Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nine Inch Nails

The show was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! They played for about 1 hour 45 minuets. The opening act SUCKED!! His name was Saw Williams … I don’t really have anything to say about him. Kind of like Drum and Bass with spoken word lyrics. Very racist stuff and political stuff from a black man. His set was not put together well and he used drum machine and his “DJ” did all the beats with it.  On the other hand, Trent had a 6 piece band with a drummer, bass, lead, rhythm, and keyboard set. The visual show was one of the better shows that I have seen.

Set List:

Mr. Self Destruct
Terrible Lie
March Of The Pigs
The Line Begins To Blur
The Frail/The Wretched
Closer (Only Time)
Gave Up
Beside You In Time
Right Where It Belongs
Every Day Is Exactly The Same
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole


 He played well and very hard.  The show went off with out a hitch and it was very tight with no mistakes that one could tell. The arrangements of the songs were very nice and he used lots of video in the show. IT is neat to see how some of the early stuff was played now with a band instead of just him. Here is also a link that will give you pictures from the show. The link is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grizzlyadam/sets/72057594067153415/

GO to that link and you will see the light show. It was a very good show. This got me stoked and I can’t wait to go and see The Orb at the end of the month.




You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


Monday, March 13, 2006

William Shatner - The Transformed Man

I just got a copy of this album…Very interesting! Captain Kirk, doing spoken word to 60’s classics!!! I have always heard of this album, but never been able to listen to it, so I found it..

1. King Henry The Fifth/Elegy For The Brave
2. Theme From Cyrano/Mr. Tambourine Man
3. Hamlet/It Was A Very Good Year
4. Romeo And Juliet/How Insensitive (Insensatez)
5. Spleen/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
6. The Transformed Man

It is very interesting album, being all spoken word. It will take some time b4 I get through with this album to give a good review of it.
Live long and Prosper… Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Weekend....

Well, my brother came up from Duke University yesterday to stay the night with me. He is in Divinity School to become a preacher.  He is 10 years younger than me and lived in Austin most of his life. He came up and we went out to eat, then we listened to music all night for like 8 hours. WOW!! What a fun time. I guess that in my life, that was a very awesome time of bonding with my younger brother. We never got to spend much time together due to living circumstances.  We got up this morning and we cooked Steak and Shrimp, and then went to Star Bucks. After that I took him thru Downtown Richmond and he had to return to Duke this evening… We are planning to get together soon,,,,




You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


Thursday, March 09, 2006

aNY one recognize this?

I took this pic with my camera on my phone. I think that it turned out very cool and surreal...IF, any can figure it out, please post on my BLOG... Posted by Picasa

Beaver and Bunghole...

A friend sent this to me a while back... Very Funny!! Posted by Picasa

My Wife and Child...

They have gone back to Texas to see her sister get married, I will miss them, but I think that this time apart will be good for us….




What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things  - A - Ha   1986


Nice Site to go and look at.

GO to Last FM and you will see my Winamp Playlist of music as I play it. It is very neat and cool site. IT ranks music and gives all kinds of Stats about the song, group and the links.




You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bob's Thoughts

Bob si pissed off and damm proud of it...

I am coming to the conclusion that this “great Land” of ours is nothing more than a sell out country to all the foreigners. Just like the ploy of the united Arid Emirates to purchase and run 6 of our ports, all companies want to see out to foreign powers. 95% of all telemarketers that call my house are from a damm call center in India. It is nice to get a person that is from Amerika on the phone to say no to. WTF are we doing with our country? Babylon indeed…
It would seem that the MTV generation doesn’t know their ass from a whole I the ground. Sell, Sell, Sell, export, export, till we are nothing more than a conglomerate of poor, broken, non-Amerikan land masses that are no better than Zimbabwe or Iraq. Where has our national pride gone, they way of 9-11? IT looked like we were going to rebound from that, but I guess not if we continue to sell out to the whole fraking world. We should close our borders and worry about us instead of everyone else. The commercials for the Christian children fund say it all, although, they should say it about Amerika instead of some 3rd world place. We have poor and people starving, except you don’t fraking Sally Struthers saying lets help our poor, hungry children starving. No, just central and south Amerika. If we can’t help ourselves, then how can we help or be expected to help the rest of the world. Our pride will be our undoing..

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts
3.7.2006 It has been a few months since I posted...
WE are getting settled into our new life in VA, it is like our 4th new life in as many years. I am looking for employment as usual. Sondra is doing her thing in her new position. I purchased William Orbits new album the other day and it is very good. Some friends of ours came down from Massachusetts to visit us the other weekend and now, they want to move to Virginia. That would/will be cool, we love them to death and they are so fun. They are big into My Space off MSN. We are going to go and see Nine Inch Nails on March 14th and then at the end of the month, I am going to go see the ORB in DC!!! So all in all, good month for concerts.

I do not have my website up and running as I have no server space, but I hope to get it back up and running soon...

Well, I gots to go and will chat at cha l8ter...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Bob's ThoughtsAnother Move....

Bob's ThoughtsIt has been awhile since i last posted. we now live in Virginia and i will not give out the town for security sakes. We have a new house and a nice neighborhood and we are trying to make new friends. We went home for the Holidays and all got sick. i have bronchitius and Chel has a sinus infection. Sondra has what i have. Sucks, we more later.


Juicy Fruiter

I love you blog. We just relocated from Massachusetts to the Richmond area. Me, my wife and daughter. here is my web address: www.thermstringers.com The picture is of our old house and i have not placed new photos of our new one on it. Enjoy and email me and we might be able to meet and chat as i have no friends here in the area, male friends. i know a few people through my wife's company, but not good friends. i live to ski and stuff like that.


I have been reading your BLOG and i like it. We have just recently moved to the Richmone area. WOW. I love it here. We relocated from Massachusetts and what a change for the better. Email me at rmstringer@gmail.com and perhaps we can meet and chat. My old web address is www.thermstringers.com in Mass. I have not updated the pics of our new house. I am married with a daughter. I like you site.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bob's Thoughts for November 10, 2005

IT has been an extreamly long time since i posted to this thing. Bunches has happened to me and my family. I have a new job and i love it! Sondr'a office got closed down the summer and we are now relocating to Richmond Virginia. She3 will be woirking at the Wachovia Central Office. I will look for a different job as the company i work for does not have a branch there. The weather is getting COLD here once again. IT seems that we just got though with Winter since the whole month of May was 50 degrees all that month. It is cold again...

Friday, March 04, 2005

ITs been a while....

Bob's Thoughts

Well, it has been a while since I updated the BLOG. a lot of things has happened since I last wrote on here. Christmas happened and I also bought a new truck for myself. I lost a very old friend due to different views., it was not that much of a loss in retrospect. I still work at rentway and I am the account manager for the store. We went home to Texas in February and we had a great time. Chelsea was sick the whole time we were there and now Texas am sick also. I had a gretat talk with Jimmy Freeman who is living back in Jasper. He came out to visit with my fam the last day that we were going to be in Jtown. My family has had a lot of medical problems the last 5-6 months and i pray that they all get better and continue to heal! I hope to hear from everyone i the near future. This is alll for now.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts


Well, we had a part for Chelsea lastnight. She had 5 of her friends over to spend the night and they had a BLAST!!! We had them several activities to do like Play Ping-Pong and Air Hockey as well as we made them do a Frear Factor set of events. The had a fun time and they all slept in the basement. IT was very nasty weather lastnight...foggy and rainy!! YUK!! Today it is very nice, windy, but sunny. It is supposed to get cold again this week and it looks like this is going to be our last day of seasonable weather for the next several months as the longrange forcaste predicts freezing rain on Saturday. I am counting down the days until my Mother gets Here!!! She will be landing on the 13th of November; Saturday week, and will be staying through the end of November...18 days. We are going to NYC for the parade and we will have Thanksgiving dinner here back in Mass. This is all for now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Intelligent Dunce Music

Intelligent Dunce MusicI run a KLF archive and I have all their music as well as the orb stuff. I have about 13 gigs of KLF with all their videos and also about 13 gigs of ORB(Rare and Out OF Print) stuff. I am RMStringer/Renigade and I run renigadehq.dyndns.org ftp. Did we visit ewith eachother? I used to live in Indiana and visited a person in Wisconsin and we traded programs for music around 2000?

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Bob's Thoughts For October 7, 2004

Bob's Thoughts
WEll, it looks like we are going to be in for a bad winter this year. Here is the prediction for the long-range forecast for the New England area:

The northeastern U.S., southeastern Canada and areas south to the Mid-Atlantic States should be quite snowy from late October into the early winter period. This region should also see frequent snowstorms and colder than normal temperatures from mid-December through the end of January, especially over New England. From late January through March, northern New England will continue to have snow, but not as frequent. Southern New England to the Mid-Atlantic States will be turning drier and a bit warmer February and into early-to-mid March.

I am sure glad that I bought a snowblower!! It seems that I am going to need it!! On Wednesday for this week, I woke up and the temp was 27 degrees!!! That is Freaking Cold!! The hi for that day only got to 52! BURR!!! In other news, My mother is comming to here on November 13 and staying until December!! I cant wait to see her and us all spend some time together. We have not been able to spend time like that in very many years. We are going to go see the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York also!!
I have put up some wedding pics on my website that most of you have not been able to see! So, go look at them. The URL is so go take a look. I need to get some stuff done, so I will put more up here later.
That is all for now.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

sBob's Thoughts 9.29.2004

Bob's Thoughts
Well, the weather took a dump on us yesterday and today!! That hurricane that hit Florida last weekend came through here and was supposed to move out; it did not move out and instead, it joined with a cold front that was supposed to hit us last night. So, it has rained for the last 2 days and it is 50 degrees with a low tonight of 40. Winter is coming here to the north very Fast!! We really never had a summer here. We only had about 1 week of 90-degree weather and most days, it was 75 - 80 degrees. Not really that bad if you ask me. More later.

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts with Spell Check!!!!

Bob's Thoughts
This will be an update to my Blog...
we are nearly settled in to our house!! It is going to be very nice when it is all sorted out and pictures hung on the wall. I went to our basement and cleaned it up, wired electrical outlets and vacuumed the floors. I wish that you could have seen all the dog hair that i got out of the floor!! It was gobs and gobs of that stuff!!! The previous owners had a very large DOG and were not worried about the hair, i guess. So i went and put carpet fresh and Lysol on the floor and vacuumed some more!! We are going to have a Halloween party for Chelsea and 11 of her friends on October 30 and they will sleep over that night also...WOW 12 little screaming girls that night! The joys of parenthood!! The previous owners did not put ANY electrical outlets in the basement, so i am going to once again have to finish out our basement, but not until next year. I think that it is going to be a Very HARD winter here. We went to Sears and bought a ridding lawnmower, 42'' deck, mulching capabilities with a 18 hp Briggs engine on it. We also bought a Snow Blower.....Woo Hooo...5am clearing the driveway!! Well, that is all for now,
more later!!

Take A Face From The Ancient Gallery Original Mix videoclip

Release Title: Take A Face From The Ancient Gallery Release Date: 29 Apr 24 Artists: Ambient Massive Cat no: 2024-03AM Genre: Ambient Tags: ...