Showing posts with label Spider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spider. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Spider, My Friend...

One night not long after i moved back to Texas i walked out the front porch and i saw this spider. He built a very large web on the West end to capture bugs and moths. I thought kool, he was not in the walking path and i was going to leave him alone.

I came back out the next morning and he was gone. I was like, what happened to him because i knew that i did not kill him. The next night i walked back to the porch and he was back in the same spot. I was like Cool!! I wonder where he goes during the day and also i wondered where he goes during the day. These photos were taken on 6.25.2009, it is now 9.19.2009 and he is still in the same spot, building and rebuilding each and every night.

Sometimes, i go outside and i will capture a few bugs and moth or two and throw them into the web and watch it go and eat! It is very interesting to me that we can live with some insects and not bother them. He is not hurting me nor me it and i intend to keep it that way...

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Monday, May 28, 2007

Brown Recluse Spider- a Must read

I am sure that most have seen or read this email, but with the warmer months ahead and people getting out and working in the yard, i thought that this would be a good reminder for everyone, so be careful!

The Dangerous Brown Recluse Spider is native to the United States from the southern Midwest south to the Gulf of Mexico The native range lies roughly south of a line from southeastern Nebraska through southern Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana to southwestern Ohio. In the southern states, it is native from central Texas to western Georgia. They are generally not found west of the Rocky Mountains

It's summertime & cleanup is going on. Be careful where you put your hands. They like dark spaces & woodpiles; and cool attic areas.

This guy was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider.

Day 3
The following illustrates the progression of a brown recluse spider bite.
The affected skin actually dies on his body and is called Necrosis

Day 5
Some of the pictures towards the end are pretty nasty.
This just shows the progression of what the bite can do to a body part.

Day 6
The Brown Recluse Spider is the most dangerous spider that we have here in the USA. The venom actually seals off the capillaries and produces a dry crusty wound.

Day 9
A person can die from it's bite. However, a small number of bites produce severe dermonecrotic lesions, and, sometimes, severe systemic symptoms, including organ damage. Rarely, the bite may also produce a systemic condition with occasional fatalities. Most fatalities are in children under 7 or those with a weaker than normal immune system.

Day 10
As you can see the skin has continued to die from the bite. The damaged tissue will become gangrenous and eventually slough away. The initial bite frequently cannot be felt and there may be no pain, but over time the wound may grow to as large as 10 inches (25 cm) in extreme cases.

We all should know what the spider looks like. People will be digging around, doing yard work, spring cleaning, and sometimes in their attics. Please be careful. Spider bites are dangerous and can have permanent and highly negative consequences. They like the darkness and tend to live in storage sheds or attics or other areas that might not be frequented by people or light. If you have a need to be in your attic, go up there and turn on a light and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go in to do any work.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...