Showing posts with label IMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMO. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wake up and smell the foreign food...

I welcome Comments to my BLOG.

Why is it that the Moral Fiber of America is eroding? Is it because we have no national image anymore? Are we just a bunch of races living in the same land, but with different cultures? A friend and I were talking the other day about this issue. In the past, when an immigrant came to America, they learned the language of the land, ENGLISH, and only spoke their language when they were around family or talking to relatives in their country,, But NOW, we have to learn their language and they take English as a second Language. English as a SECOND LANGUAGE?? Wait one DAMM Minute!! How can they be American citizens and not speak the language?

In Mexico, do they not speak Spanish?? Is that not their language? They have a national language, WHY THEN DO WE NOT? They come over here and expect us to change for them? They were not invited, extended a personal invitation to come over here and live. They came to better themselves, but instead, they bring their shitty way of life and drag our country down with them! That is not how it is supposed to work! They come here and learn ENGLISH, the language of the land, and become productive members of society instead of living on welfare and my hard earned wages. IT is a lode of CRAP!!

WE need to wake up and smell the foreign food people, America is slowly but surely becoming a dump for other lands rejects. They can’t speak English, OUR LANGUAGE but they expect us to take care of them. BULLSHIT!!! If they want to become an AMERICAN, learn the language and become productive, good citizens of the USA and help us, not destroy us. IF they cant pass the test, get them the hell out!


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