Showing posts with label Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2008

St Louis: Live on the Levee

We are going tonight to see OAR and watch Fireworks in St Louis at the Live On The Levee.
I have only heard one song from OAR but it is a free concert and the Fireworks are free as well, So it beats sitting at home unloading boxes!

I will have photos to post over the weekend from this event!

Have a good evening!

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Blogroll Me!


Saturday, January 12, 2008

New VXC (VXcasuality) Music!!

Several months ago i posted a few album links from this artist. I just went back to his site and i found several new albums. Here are the links:

Spore - Voyage

VXC - States Of Matter(2007)

Enjoy the music, i have!

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Some more FREE Music...

Several months ago i posted about an artist named VXC or if you will VXCasualty. One in the same. He has a few more new tunes for your download. His record lable is called LSDXM.

"Vxcasualty is an experimental trance project with psychedelic and ambient elements produced using Propellerhead Software's Reason" - Last.FM

New Music:
Mothra Organica is a directory with new music.
vxc&dysphor - untitl..> is also new.
Index of /02-07/earthbound direct link to directory.

These are direct links to these tracks.
vxc - now, then!.mp3
vxc - friable.mp3

These are his old links:
vxc - 5-meo-wtf/
vxc - shadowcaster/
vxc - singles/
vxc - synapse/

What is your opinion?

Blog on the net...

It always seams that I am trying to generate new traffic for my Blog by singing up on new free services. You can see all the badges that I have on the left side of my blog. It is a personal thing that I like to do. I could go the route of Ad-sense from Google, but I do not want to sell out and place advertising on my site. I could also do the pay-per-click but that is not what I am about. I have had over 4300 hits since I started actively promoting my site sometimes last December. Not bad figures if you ask me. The picture is a map of where people all over the world read my blog. I just think that it is neat when someone from India leaves me a comment on my blog. The internet is a wonderful tool that all should be able to enjoy!!

I do not under any circumstances condon censorship in any way, shape, or form!!

The internet should be kept free and clear off any and all censorship because no single country owns the internet. I know that there is a lot of that going on around the world like in China where FlickR is being banned from viewing because some pics got on there of the Tiananmen Square student demonstrations of 1989 and the China government has blocked the site.

This is much like the on going issue here in the USA about Net Neutrality. I for one have signed up to help save the internet and stop censorship of the internet. If you value reading this blog in a different country, you should also want to do so as it might get banned. They could ban the whole service for all we know. That would piss off a bunch of people including me. Lets all just play nice together and enjoy the internet like it is supposed to be used for, free and with no censorship.

What is your opinion?

Thursday, January 04, 2007


For those of you that like instrumental music in the genera of The Orb, Orbital, Vangelis and many others to numberous to mention, GO and check out this person's music. IT is all free to download and I will even gve you the link to get it:
Or, Album links below:

vxc - 5-meo-wtf
vxc - shadowcaster
vxc - synapse
vxc - singles

I really like this stuff and I placed it on my mp3 player last night. Very good to listen to as it changes and is not a constant drone or style.

I welcome Comments to my BLOG.

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...