Apollo's Chariot
Their could not be a more strange pairing than these two items; a beaver and a roller coaster. While we were at Busch Gardens the other day having our Ride-A-Thon (33 rides in an 8 hour period) we were ridding Apollo’s Chariot. It is a very good ride! Perhaps one of my all time favorites out of all the parks that I have been to. Well anyway, back to the main topic, Beavers and Roller Coasters.
While riding waiting to ride Apollo's Chariot there were beavers eating grass. We were like cool as BG is a nature preserve and a park all at the same time. So we got on the ride and after the first few drops we started seeing beavers lying around on the ground just eating whatever they eat. They did not seam to be bothered buy the loud noise or people screaming or for that matter, the roller coaster. So we were like SCREAMING BEAVER when we would see one of them. I know it sounds stupid, but it was fun with my daughter and her friend. We would all trade seats and take turns spotting the beavers during the rides. I would say "Beavers and Roller Coasters Kick Ass"! The girls would say they Rock!
It was a kind of bonding experience with us all and we had fun!! All in all, I think that we counted about 5-7 different Beavers during our 14 rides. Weather permitting on Tuesday, I think that me and my daughter will go back and use our VA Residence passes one more time before they expire…
It was a very strange pairing, nature and man at their best but on separate terms.
What is your opinion?