Showing posts with label bathroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bathroom. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2007

Toilet-paper dispenser is stingy with the sheets.

I know that i will try to avoid any and every bathroom that has one of these installed in it. If i want to use the whole roll of TP, i will This is just wrong on so many levels. I read about a study that said that you need at least 9-12 sheets to be sanitary. This thing is only supposed to give out 5 at a time! here is the whole story.

By Brian Tracey

This may be the last straw for people who think technology has eliminated every last bit of personal privacy: A toilet-paper dispenser that limits the issue of tissues.

A year in the works, the electronic dispenser is being rolled out to the masses by Kimberly-Clark Corp. as it seeks to capture more of the $1 billion away-from-home toilet paper market. The company believes most people will be satisfied with just five sheets — and use 20 percent less toilet paper in the process.

"Most people will take the amount given," says Richard Thorne, director of the company's washroom business. Waxing philosophical, he adds, "People generally in life will take what you give them."

Kimberly-Clark turned to focus groups and years of internal research to determine just how much is right.

Americans typically use twice as much toilet paper as Europeans — as much as an arm's length each pull, Thorne says. The company decided the best length is about 20 inches — or precisely five standard toilet paper squares, though the $30-$55 machine can also be adjusted to churn out 16 inches or 24 inches, depending on the demand.

No wonder that the Pulp and Paper Industry is in decline. With them wanting to be so cheap as to only give 5 sheets; I mean come on!! The way most of the TP feels on your ass; you need about a hand full to even feel clean or like it is doing what it was designed to do.

What is your opinion?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Men's Restrooms...

Where I work, there are about 2000 people all together working the 4 different shifts. There are Men and Women's Restroom facilities all over the buildings.

Having said that, two things come to mind. One is how come at any given time that I want to go and use the head it is being cleaned? There are about 3 restrooms that I will use because they are not very high-traffic and stay fairly clean, or as clean as they can be with so many people.

There are about 5-8 cleaning personnel that work at night and do janitorial duties from cleaning the floor to emptying out trash cans. About 2 of them clean the bathrooms. Now given that so many people use them, they can get very dirty! It makes me wonder what some of these people's bathrooms at home look like. Look at the pic and you can see that the urinal is a very big opening. HOW CAN YOU MISS?? It is like a 2 foot circumference!! With piss all over the floor it is disgusting!! They had to totally rebuild one of the bathrooms here. It was shut down for over a month. You would walk into it and smell mildew and mold. YUCK!!

I wonder how the female bathrooms get around here? I know that they do not have urinals and problem have twice as many commodes. I am sure that they are very nice and pretty and smell good compared to ours. There is nothing worse than coming in to use the restroom and have the smell of stale urine hit you when you use the urinal!! Pee smells bad enough, but stale pee, I mean, come on.

Now, back to your regular scheduled biobreak...

What is your opinion?

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