Showing posts with label MAxtor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAxtor. Show all posts

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Computer Stuff...

You know when you are trying to save a picture from the web and you want to save it on your computer? Well, i was trying to do this the other day and like many MS Windows computers, it locked up.

I was trying to save it to a specific HD and it did not happen. The drive was a *Maxtor 100gig SATA drive. SO i did what any other mortal would do, i hit the button and Rebooted my comp. That was a mistake. Then computer was trying to boot up and the dreaded screen: "One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency"

SO, being the good computer user that i am, i let it. IT was going very slow and then data started to appear similar to this:

One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.Windows will now check the disk.CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)

File record segment 53896 is unreadable.
File record segment 53897 is unreadable.
File record segment 53898 is unreadable.
File record segment 53899 is unreadable.
File record segment 53916 is unreadable.
File record segment 53917 is unreadable.
File record segment 53918 is unreadable.
File record segment 53919 is unreadable.

IF this happens, don't worry, i had a few errands to run and so i left the computer to do its thing. After i got back home, i had to reboot 2 times and then the drive was ok. I cant seam to find any bad sectors or any lost data. i got lucky.

* On a different note, it appears that Seagate has purchased Maxtor!

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