Showing posts with label exotics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exotics. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2007

House PLants...

split-leaf philodendron

"ZZ" plant

The Ming aralia

Mother-in-Law's Tongue

Variegated Ficus

I have been saying for a while that i am going to post some pics of houseplants that i have. Well, here they are, or at least some of them with pic goodness!! I have grown plants for most of my life. I have some other plants, but i did not include them in this set. I get my "Green-Thumb" from one of my Grandmothers and one of my Aunts. My parents always encouraged me to grow plants as a Hobie.

My Wife Sondra says that I have too many plants. I say that you can never get too many! It is just a pain in the butt when it comes Winter Time to bring and place them around in the house. Some of the plants that i have came with us from Texas. Literally, they have traveled from Austin Texas to Colorado, Massachusetts, and then to Virginia. I have a lot of time invested in some of them. I hope that you enjoy the pics.

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