The Flaming Lips
NX35 Festival
North Texas Fairgrounds
Denton, TX
1. Intro>Power Outage #1
2. Worm Mountain
3. Silver Trembling Hands
4. Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
5. In the Morning of the Magicians
6. Watching the Planets (acoustic version)>
7. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1
8. Wating for A Superman
9. Power Outage #2
10. See The Leaves
11. Convinced of the Hex
12. Do You Realize
My Photo set on Flickr of The Flaming Lips.
If you want to Purchase a photo, please EMAIL me.
RMStringer [at]
To Look At My Full Line Of Photography,
Please go to Flickr/RMStringer
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sunday, July 29, 2007
My Family...
Well today at around 3.30pm my family arrived from Texas. They made the 1200+ mile drive in 2 days, starting out yesterday morning in Jasper Texas and staying last night 70 miles west of Atlanta Georgia. The got up early this morning to finish the drive to our house in Midlothian Virginia. I am really glad to see them as my grandfather and uncle has never seen our house here in Virginia.
I am leaving work tonight at 1.15am so I do not have to sleep all day tomorrow and we will be able to do a few things tomorrow. I hated to have to come to work tonight, but duty calls. I also took off Wednesday night to be able to spend more time with them. I am going to take my Uncle Terry to Washington DC on Tuesday as he has never been there, so that will be fun and will also be some great memories.
What is your opinion?
I am leaving work tonight at 1.15am so I do not have to sleep all day tomorrow and we will be able to do a few things tomorrow. I hated to have to come to work tonight, but duty calls. I also took off Wednesday night to be able to spend more time with them. I am going to take my Uncle Terry to Washington DC on Tuesday as he has never been there, so that will be fun and will also be some great memories.
What is your opinion?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
West Texas Goes Green...

Most of you know that i am from Texas. All of my family live there. I talk to them almost daily and i get to hear about the weather and how it has been rainning for almost the entire month of June and now most of July. I saw this article relating to that issue. It would be strange to see most of Westren Texas with dense vegitation.
By Christine Dell'Amore(National Geographic)
Apparently, the weather doesn't know not to mess with Texas.
A deluge of torrential rains has lashed the Lone Star State for more than a month—making June one of the wettest ever recorded in Texas.
The rains spurred Texas' grassy plains to bloom dense vegetation, as seen in a photograph taken by a NASA satellite between June 11 and June 20.
The deep, emerald green indicates regions where plants are growing more quickly or robust than average, and the dark, almost-black color marks where vegetation was most dense.
Brown spots point to clouds or water on the ground, which in some cases may mask plant growth.
About 48,000 square miles (124,319 square kilometers), an area the size of Mississippi, was pounded by rains. Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas were hit with more than 330 percent of their average rainfall. In Texas, every major river basin flooded, an event that had not occurred since 1957, according to the Associated Press.
Powerful floods also took the lives of more than a dozen people and destroyed an estimated thousand homes.
"Unprecedented," Jack Colley, chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management, told the AP. "Mostly this time of year we're fighting wildfires. ... The problem with this is, the water won't go away."
What is your opinion?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Lady Bird Johnson passes away in Austin, RIP.

AUSTIN, Texas - Lady Bird Johnson, the former first lady who championed conservation and worked tenaciously for the political career of her husband, former President Lyndon B. Johnson, died Wednesday, a family spokeswoman said. She was 94.
Lady Bird Johnson returned home late last month after a week at Seton Medical Center, where she'd been admitted for a low-grade fever. Her husband died in 1973.
She died at her Austin home of natural causes about 4:18 p.m. CDT, said Elizabeth Christian, the spokeswoman. She said she was surrounded by family and friends.
She was hospitalized with a stroke in 2002 that left her with difficulty speaking. But even after that she continued to make public appearances and in May attended an event at the LBJ Library and Museum featuring historian Robert Dallek.
In March, she listened from Texas through a conference call when President Bush signed legislation naming the Education Department headquarters building in Washington, D.C., after her late husband.
The longest-living first lady in history was Bess Truman, who was 97 when she died in 1982.
‘Grace and ... elegance’
The daughter of a Texas rancher, Lady Bird Johnson spent 34 years in Washington, as the wife of a congressional secretary, U.S. representative, senator, vice president and president. The couple had two daughters, Lynda Bird, born in 1944, and Luci Baines, born in 1947. The couple returned to Texas after the presidency, and Lady Bird Johnson lived for more than 30 years in and near Austin. "I think we all love seeing those we love loved well, and Austin has loved my mother very well. This community has been so caring," Luci Baines Johnson said in an interview with The Associated Press in 2001.
"People often ask me about walking in her shadow, following in the footsteps of somebody like Lady Bird Johnson," she said. "My mother made her own unique imprint on this land." Former President George Bush once recalled that when he was a freshman Republican congressman from Texas in the 1960s, Lady Bird Johnson and the president welcomed him to Washington with kindness, despite their political differences. He said she exemplified "the grace and the elegance and the decency and sincerity that you would hope for in the White House."
Championed the environment
As first lady, she was perhaps best known as the determined environmentalist who wanted roadside billboards and junkyards replaced with trees and wildflowers. She raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to beautify Washington. The $320 million Highway Beautification Bill, passed in 1965, was known as "The Lady Bird Bill," and she made speeches and lobbied Congress to win its passage. "Had it not been for her, I think that the whole subject of the environment might not have been introduced to the public stage in just the way it was and just the time it was. So she figures mightily, I think, in the history of the country if for no other reason than that alone," Harry Middleton, retired director of the LBJ Library and Museum, once said.
What is your opinion?
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
It is that time of year...

Well folks, it is that time of year again for the pollen to fly and for the weather and temperature to be on a rollercoaster ride. For the last few days, it has been in the 80s, very nice Spring Time Weather. The trees are starting to bud out and the pollen is starting to fly. I can see it on my truck hood...AH Chew!!
Easter is upon us this Sunday. We just got our cold front that generally happens around Easter weekend. I remember as a kid, we would always go camping at Lake Sam Rayburn for that weekend and all of the "family" would circle the wagons so to speak. We had Aunt Dale and Uncle Forestray, Aunt Babe and Uncle Talmadge, and Aunt Jewel and Uncle Don as well as Etha, Pawp and me and other various kids and cousins. We would all go to Mill Creek Park and try to get on "Easter Point" every year. If you go to the map link, the spots are sites 60 and 61. It would always bee nice and warm that week before, but we would set up camp and get "Blue Norther" and nearly blow us off the camping site. It would go from 80 to 30 degrees that night and we would all freeze!! We all had camping trailers with electric, but it would still be cold!! A few of the boats would sink because of the wind straight out of the north would swamp the ends on them because of the waves.
After the maelstrom of the preceding night, we would slowly come out of our campers and I would get a fire started as I was a "fire Bug" back then. I still love fire!! My Aunt Dale was the "camp master" and she would get the breakfast started. All the men would go and survey the boats and get the water out of them if need be to go and catch some fish. At the end of all the camping that weekend, We always had a "Fish Fry" on that Sunday afternoon and then we would break camp and go home.
Aunt Dale, Uncle Forestray, and Uncle Don have all since passed from the world, they are missed by all and it would seam that the title of "Camp Master" has passed to me according to Aunt Dale's Daughter Patrice. She said that I am the only one that can get the family together when I come to visit them in Texas. If that is so, then I have very big foot steps to follow in and I would ware that mantel proudly.
Easter is upon us this Sunday. We just got our cold front that generally happens around Easter weekend. I remember as a kid, we would always go camping at Lake Sam Rayburn for that weekend and all of the "family" would circle the wagons so to speak. We had Aunt Dale and Uncle Forestray, Aunt Babe and Uncle Talmadge, and Aunt Jewel and Uncle Don as well as Etha, Pawp and me and other various kids and cousins. We would all go to Mill Creek Park and try to get on "Easter Point" every year. If you go to the map link, the spots are sites 60 and 61. It would always bee nice and warm that week before, but we would set up camp and get "Blue Norther" and nearly blow us off the camping site. It would go from 80 to 30 degrees that night and we would all freeze!! We all had camping trailers with electric, but it would still be cold!! A few of the boats would sink because of the wind straight out of the north would swamp the ends on them because of the waves.
After the maelstrom of the preceding night, we would slowly come out of our campers and I would get a fire started as I was a "fire Bug" back then. I still love fire!! My Aunt Dale was the "camp master" and she would get the breakfast started. All the men would go and survey the boats and get the water out of them if need be to go and catch some fish. At the end of all the camping that weekend, We always had a "Fish Fry" on that Sunday afternoon and then we would break camp and go home.
Aunt Dale, Uncle Forestray, and Uncle Don have all since passed from the world, they are missed by all and it would seam that the title of "Camp Master" has passed to me according to Aunt Dale's Daughter Patrice. She said that I am the only one that can get the family together when I come to visit them in Texas. If that is so, then I have very big foot steps to follow in and I would ware that mantel proudly.
Tell Me What You Think...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I am back...
It has been a very tireing trip to texas this week. We just got home from a 20 hour drive from Texas to here. I will have some pics and soem other stuff to post this week. Until then,
Tell Me What You Think...
Tell Me What You Think...
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Nature Pics...Black Squirrels
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Vacation at Christmas.
It was fun going to Texas to see all of my family. I have been very fortunate in my 35+ years to have both sets of grandparents(paternal and maternal). My grandmother(Paternal) is not doing well and I was very glad to get to see her. My dad and Stepmother came in from Austin to see us as we had only very limited time in Texas. We flew into Houston and stayed with my wife's aunt as we always do and then went the next day to see her sisters. She has 5 of them! I was raised as an only child, but I have a half-brother/sister from my dad.
After we saw the sister, we went to my grandparents house on Lake Rayburn! I love going to the lake and they have lived there for 10 years now. we stayed there for the next 3 days and also my mother lives there as well. My uncle and his daughters all came over and we had a late Christmas dinner on the 29th with my cousin and his girlfriend also. My mother had a deer cooked so we got to have some back-strap...YUM YUM!! It has been several years since I have had deer to eat. I hope that my mother will come out to VA soon to visit and I want my Etha and Pawp to come out as well, if I can only get them to fly! We had a good Christmas and like most vacations, it had to come to an end.
We stayed a night with my mother as well. M<y stepdad passed over 3 years ago. it has been hard on her, but she is a trooper and will make it. It is goo to go visit home, but as nice as it is, I am glad to be back in my home with my wife and daughter. I hope that this year brings us good times!
I am just in a reflective mood at the moment and seeing my grandmother Jo so week and frail, makes me face my own mortality...
After we saw the sister, we went to my grandparents house on Lake Rayburn! I love going to the lake and they have lived there for 10 years now. we stayed there for the next 3 days and also my mother lives there as well. My uncle and his daughters all came over and we had a late Christmas dinner on the 29th with my cousin and his girlfriend also. My mother had a deer cooked so we got to have some back-strap...YUM YUM!! It has been several years since I have had deer to eat. I hope that my mother will come out to VA soon to visit and I want my Etha and Pawp to come out as well, if I can only get them to fly! We had a good Christmas and like most vacations, it had to come to an end.
We stayed a night with my mother as well. M<y stepdad passed over 3 years ago. it has been hard on her, but she is a trooper and will make it. It is goo to go visit home, but as nice as it is, I am glad to be back in my home with my wife and daughter. I hope that this year brings us good times!
I am just in a reflective mood at the moment and seeing my grandmother Jo so week and frail, makes me face my own mortality...
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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!