Showing posts with label SIU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SIU. Show all posts

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mountain Biking Wednesday

For any of you that live in the St Louis area, we are going to SIUE to ride Wednesday evening at 6pm

If you live in the area, a good site to check out is GORC

Type: Multiple Loops

This trail system is made up of nearly 8 miles of tight, twisty, all-dirt singletrack in 4 separate trails, with a 5th trail in the works. Modest elevation gain, thick forest, and smooth hardpack make for rides which will satisfy every rider from beginner to advanced. The trails were designed in such a way that they would be a place not only for beginners to try out mountain biking, but also to allow more advanced riders an opportunity to test their bike handling skills by riding the narrow trails at a more rapid pace.

They are built partially on the site of an old outdoor amphitheater from the 1970’s, better known as the "Mississippi River Festival." The trails are easily accessible from the numerous bike paths that intertwine the Metro-East, so if you live in the area, driving to the trails is not necessarily required. While all the trails are designed to IMBA standards, because of the all-dirt surface, it is recommended that you not ride these trails immediately following rain.

Please download a map and take it with you, so you will be able to find all the loops, as they are spread out among numerous cross-country running trails.

Take hwy 255 North past Interstate 270, to New Poag Road. Turn Right or East at the end of the exit ramp. Stay on New Poag Road until the first intersection with a 4 way stop sign. This will be University Drive. Turn Right onto University Drive. The road will immediately bend to the left, at the end of the bend on your right is a gravel road, turn onto the gravel road. Follow the rock road past the hedgerow on the left, the road will make a 90 Degree turn to the right and then back to the left, then it will dead end. The Northernmost Trailhead is located at the 90 degree corner of the woods near that dead end.

View High Res Map in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format

SIUE Trail System Map

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