Taken from the RINF website.
By Karen Gullo
The Bush administration violated U.S. law by failing to produce a study on the impact of global warming and must issue a summary by March, a federal judge ruled.
District Judge Saundra Armstrong in Oakland, California, said the U.S. government “unlawfully withheld action” required under the Global Change Research Act of 1990 to update a research plan and scientific assessment of climate change.
The law mandates the research plan should be revised every three years and the assessment every four years. The last research plan was in 2003 and the last assessment was published in 2000. Greenpeace International and two other environmental groups who say the U.S. government suppresses science on climate change sued in November seeking a court order to produce the reports.
“As the research plan is now more than a year overdue, the court orders that a summary of the revised proposed research plan be published in the Federal Register no later than March 1,” Armstrong said in the order today. The scientific assessment must be produced by May 31, she said.
The administration will review the ruling before commenting, said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. Calls to the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and Martin LaLonde, a Justice Department attorney involved in the case, weren’t immediately returned.
President George W. Bush, citing economic reasons, in March 2001 rejected the Kyoto Protocol, a treaty among industrialized nations that would have required cuts in carbon dioxide emissions and other gases linked to global warming.
Government `Wrong’
The Bush administration said in court filings that it determined “only recently that the initiation of a process to revise the research plan has become necessary and advisable” and that the government has discretion about how to handle the revised reports, which Armstrong said was “wrong.”
The reports may be completed by the end of the year, government lawyers said in court filings.
“This is the first court order specifically rebuking the Bush administration for suppressing climate change science,” said Matthew Vespa, an attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the groups that sued. “The report will provide updated information that all federal agencies will have to look at when assessing the impact of climate change.”
The case is Center for Biological Diversity v. Brennan, 06-7062, U.S. District Court, for the Northern District of California (San Francisco).
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Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact: DjRenigade@proton.me
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Doctor: G Bush has symptoms of presenile dementia
As written by Alex Beam
It is an article of faith with millions of Americans, most of them on the left, that George W. Bush is stupid. Many reasonable people think his policies are ill-advised, but millions more insist Bush must be a moron because he sounds stupid.
The president’s tortured “Bushisms” are chronicled daily and have been collected in books. Two of the more notorious are “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family” and “Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”
But something doesn’t compute. Fred Smith, the founder of Federal Express and a Yale pal of both Bush and John Kerry, says Bush is five times smarter than people think he is. Cynics deride what passes for scholarship at the Harvard Business School, but the course work for the two-year MBA isn’t easy. A grading curve forces a small number of students to fail, and Bush didn’t fail.
So why does Bush sound stupid? One doctor thinks he shows signs of “presenile dementia,” or an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
This summer, Joseph Price, a self-described “country doctor” in Carsonville, Mich., was reading a long article in The Atlantic about Bush’s speaking style. Author James Fallows alluded to Bush’s malapropisms and to speculation that Bush had a learning disorder or dyslexia. But those conditions generally manifest themselves in childhood. Furthermore, Fallows wrote, “through his forties Bush was perfectly articulate.”
Dr. Price’s children happened to have given him a daily tear-off calendar of “Bushisms” for Christmas. “They are horrible, but they are also diagnostic,” Price says. When he read that Bush had spoken clearly and performed well while debating Texas politician Ann Richards in 1994, Price thought: “My God, the only way you can explain that is by being Alzheimer’s.”
In a letter to be published in The Atlantic’s October issue, Price calls presenile dementia “a fairly typical Alzheimer’s situation that develops significantly earlier in life. . . . President Bush’s `mangled’ words are a demonstration of what physicians call `confabulation’ and are almost specific to the diagnosis of a true dementia.” He adds that Bush should be “started on drugs that offer the possibility of retarding the slow but inexorable course of the disease.”
Yes, I asked for a second opinion. University of Massachusetts neurology professor Dr. Daniel Pollen thinks it is bootless to speculate about Bush’s condition without a formal neuropsychological assessment. “I think it’s unfair to say somebody has or does not have a dementia as an analysis based on his public utterances,” says Pollen, who is not a Bush supporter. Noting that Bush spoke well in his debates with both Richards and Al Gore, Pollen adds that Bush’s “peak performances are not in the range I would consider for anybody to have Alzheimer’s disease in the near future.”
Suppose Price is right. What effect might his observation have on the 2004 election? Absolutely none. The White House isn’t going to start speculating about an incipient medical condition that might make the president look bad. When I forwarded Price’s comments to the White House, it sent me Bush’s 2001 and 2003 physical exams, which show normal neurological functions. “There is nothing to suggest that there has been any change from those reports,” says White House spokeswoman Erin Healy.
There is ample precedent for papering over presidents’ medical shortcomings. Stanford Medical School professor Herbert Abrams and others have argued that Ronald Reagan was incapacitated from the day he was shot in March of 1981 through the succeeding seven years of his presidency. In their 1988 book, “Landslide,” Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus report that one White House staffer considered Reagan’s condition so bad in 1987 that he suggested invoking the transfer-of-power provisions of the 25th Amendment. That idea went nowhere fast.
As for the Democrats, they have no incentive to medicalize a condition they so enjoy teeing off on: Bush’s seemingly goofy stupidity. Kerry suggests that Bush’s bicycle has training wheels; Kerry’s wife suggests that people who oppose her husband’s health schemes are idiots. The Democrats would rather feel superior to their opponents than beat them, and so far they are doing a very good job.
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It is an article of faith with millions of Americans, most of them on the left, that George W. Bush is stupid. Many reasonable people think his policies are ill-advised, but millions more insist Bush must be a moron because he sounds stupid.
The president’s tortured “Bushisms” are chronicled daily and have been collected in books. Two of the more notorious are “I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family” and “Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”
But something doesn’t compute. Fred Smith, the founder of Federal Express and a Yale pal of both Bush and John Kerry, says Bush is five times smarter than people think he is. Cynics deride what passes for scholarship at the Harvard Business School, but the course work for the two-year MBA isn’t easy. A grading curve forces a small number of students to fail, and Bush didn’t fail.
So why does Bush sound stupid? One doctor thinks he shows signs of “presenile dementia,” or an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
This summer, Joseph Price, a self-described “country doctor” in Carsonville, Mich., was reading a long article in The Atlantic about Bush’s speaking style. Author James Fallows alluded to Bush’s malapropisms and to speculation that Bush had a learning disorder or dyslexia. But those conditions generally manifest themselves in childhood. Furthermore, Fallows wrote, “through his forties Bush was perfectly articulate.”
Dr. Price’s children happened to have given him a daily tear-off calendar of “Bushisms” for Christmas. “They are horrible, but they are also diagnostic,” Price says. When he read that Bush had spoken clearly and performed well while debating Texas politician Ann Richards in 1994, Price thought: “My God, the only way you can explain that is by being Alzheimer’s.”
In a letter to be published in The Atlantic’s October issue, Price calls presenile dementia “a fairly typical Alzheimer’s situation that develops significantly earlier in life. . . . President Bush’s `mangled’ words are a demonstration of what physicians call `confabulation’ and are almost specific to the diagnosis of a true dementia.” He adds that Bush should be “started on drugs that offer the possibility of retarding the slow but inexorable course of the disease.”
Yes, I asked for a second opinion. University of Massachusetts neurology professor Dr. Daniel Pollen thinks it is bootless to speculate about Bush’s condition without a formal neuropsychological assessment. “I think it’s unfair to say somebody has or does not have a dementia as an analysis based on his public utterances,” says Pollen, who is not a Bush supporter. Noting that Bush spoke well in his debates with both Richards and Al Gore, Pollen adds that Bush’s “peak performances are not in the range I would consider for anybody to have Alzheimer’s disease in the near future.”
Suppose Price is right. What effect might his observation have on the 2004 election? Absolutely none. The White House isn’t going to start speculating about an incipient medical condition that might make the president look bad. When I forwarded Price’s comments to the White House, it sent me Bush’s 2001 and 2003 physical exams, which show normal neurological functions. “There is nothing to suggest that there has been any change from those reports,” says White House spokeswoman Erin Healy.
There is ample precedent for papering over presidents’ medical shortcomings. Stanford Medical School professor Herbert Abrams and others have argued that Ronald Reagan was incapacitated from the day he was shot in March of 1981 through the succeeding seven years of his presidency. In their 1988 book, “Landslide,” Jane Mayer and Doyle McManus report that one White House staffer considered Reagan’s condition so bad in 1987 that he suggested invoking the transfer-of-power provisions of the 25th Amendment. That idea went nowhere fast.
As for the Democrats, they have no incentive to medicalize a condition they so enjoy teeing off on: Bush’s seemingly goofy stupidity. Kerry suggests that Bush’s bicycle has training wheels; Kerry’s wife suggests that people who oppose her husband’s health schemes are idiots. The Democrats would rather feel superior to their opponents than beat them, and so far they are doing a very good job.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Very Big Bomb!!
I saw this on Monday as I was reading on http://www.fark.com/. It was an interesting story. I thought that some of my readers might like it. This just illustrates how disastrous an "All Out Nuclear War" Could have been.
Tsar Bomba
Russian: Царь-бомба, literally "Emperor Bomb" is the Western name for the largest, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. Developed by the Soviet Union, the bomb of about 50 megatons was codenamed Ivan by its developers.

The bomb was tested on October 30, 1961, in Novaya Zemlya, an archipelago in the Arctic Sea. The device was scaled down from its original design of 100 megatons to reduce the resulting nuclear fallout.

The Tsar Bomba was a three-stage hydrogen bomb with a yield of about 50 megatons. A three-stage H-bomb uses a fission bomb primary to compress a thermonuclear secondary, as in most H-bombs, and then uses energy from the resulting explosion to compress a much larger additional thermonuclear stage. The initial three-stage design was capable of approximately 100 Mt, but at a cost of too much radioactive fallout. To limit fallout, the third stage, and possibly the second stage, had a lead tamper instead of a uranium-238 fusion tamper (which greatly amplifies the reaction by fissioning uranium atoms with fast neutrons from the fusion reaction). This eliminated fast fission by the fusion-stage neutrons, so that approximately 97% of the total energy resulted from fusion alone (as such, it was one of the "cleanest" nuclear bombs ever created, generating a very low amount of fallout relative to its yield). There was a strong incentive for this modification since most of the fallout from a test of the bomb would fall on populated Soviet territory.

Have a look at this comparison of nuclear bombs, starting with the "microscopic" Hiroshima bomb:

Tsar Bomba
Russian: Царь-бомба, literally "Emperor Bomb" is the Western name for the largest, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. Developed by the Soviet Union, the bomb of about 50 megatons was codenamed Ivan by its developers.

The bomb was tested on October 30, 1961, in Novaya Zemlya, an archipelago in the Arctic Sea. The device was scaled down from its original design of 100 megatons to reduce the resulting nuclear fallout.

The Tsar Bomba was a three-stage hydrogen bomb with a yield of about 50 megatons. A three-stage H-bomb uses a fission bomb primary to compress a thermonuclear secondary, as in most H-bombs, and then uses energy from the resulting explosion to compress a much larger additional thermonuclear stage. The initial three-stage design was capable of approximately 100 Mt, but at a cost of too much radioactive fallout. To limit fallout, the third stage, and possibly the second stage, had a lead tamper instead of a uranium-238 fusion tamper (which greatly amplifies the reaction by fissioning uranium atoms with fast neutrons from the fusion reaction). This eliminated fast fission by the fusion-stage neutrons, so that approximately 97% of the total energy resulted from fusion alone (as such, it was one of the "cleanest" nuclear bombs ever created, generating a very low amount of fallout relative to its yield). There was a strong incentive for this modification since most of the fallout from a test of the bomb would fall on populated Soviet territory.

Have a look at this comparison of nuclear bombs, starting with the "microscopic" Hiroshima bomb:

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Virginia Tech...
I normally try to stay away from current topics like this, but this hits very close to home as it is. We in America have been too lax in our immigration policy for too many years!! Bush says that he is trying to protect America by fighting a way on foreign lands all the while leaving our borders, Canada and Mexico, OPEN to both of those countries. WE do not know who or what is crossing these borders.
We need to close the border for good and then deport all foreign nationals that are in here without passports. The ones that have the proper papers will have to be subjected to a RIGOROUS background check. They need to be sent home and then they will have to reapply for a new visa status. Any mark on their records and they would not be admitted to the USA. I am all for people wanting to better themselves and come here legally. All of the crossing the borders illegally has GOT TO STOP!! All foreign persons that live here shall go through the proper channels to stay here and if they get in trouble, DEPORT THEIR ASSES!! 1 STRIKE AND OUR ARE OUT!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! NO IMMUNITY!!
Sure, this might piss off a few countries for a while, but we get no such treatment like we give people here and look what has happened. A Korean National on a Student Visa has killed 32 people for WHAT?? To prove a point that he was pissed at a teacher or a girlfriend?? What a WASTE OF LIFE! This would have never happened if more stringent immigration policies were in place! Their needs to be beater back ground checks on people coming into our country, much like other countries do to us.
What the most sick part of this whole situation is that the killer is applauded in other countries for killing Americans. Other places do not value life as we do. I am beginning to wonder how much value we place on it with the body count adding up in the War??

MSN.com =
Thirty-three people were confirmed dead after the bloodbath Monday, including the gunman, whom police identified as Cho Seung-Hui (pronounced Choh Suhng-whee), of Centreville, Va., a senior in the English Department. Cho was a resident alien who immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1992.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Interesting Map View
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Wake up and smell the foreign food...
I welcome Comments to my BLOG.
Why is it that the Moral Fiber of America is eroding? Is it because we have no national image anymore? Are we just a bunch of races living in the same land, but with different cultures? A friend and I were talking the other day about this issue. In the past, when an immigrant came to America, they learned the language of the land, ENGLISH, and only spoke their language when they were around family or talking to relatives in their country,, But NOW, we have to learn their language and they take English as a second Language. English as a SECOND LANGUAGE?? Wait one DAMM Minute!! How can they be American citizens and not speak the language?
In Mexico, do they not speak Spanish?? Is that not their language? They have a national language, WHY THEN DO WE NOT? They come over here and expect us to change for them? They were not invited, extended a personal invitation to come over here and live. They came to better themselves, but instead, they bring their shitty way of life and drag our country down with them! That is not how it is supposed to work! They come here and learn ENGLISH, the language of the land, and become productive members of society instead of living on welfare and my hard earned wages. IT is a lode of CRAP!!
WE need to wake up and smell the foreign food people, America is slowly but surely becoming a dump for other lands rejects. They can’t speak English, OUR LANGUAGE but they expect us to take care of them. BULLSHIT!!! If they want to become an AMERICAN, learn the language and become productive, good citizens of the USA and help us, not destroy us. IF they cant pass the test, get them the hell out!
Why is it that the Moral Fiber of America is eroding? Is it because we have no national image anymore? Are we just a bunch of races living in the same land, but with different cultures? A friend and I were talking the other day about this issue. In the past, when an immigrant came to America, they learned the language of the land, ENGLISH, and only spoke their language when they were around family or talking to relatives in their country,, But NOW, we have to learn their language and they take English as a second Language. English as a SECOND LANGUAGE?? Wait one DAMM Minute!! How can they be American citizens and not speak the language?
In Mexico, do they not speak Spanish?? Is that not their language? They have a national language, WHY THEN DO WE NOT? They come over here and expect us to change for them? They were not invited, extended a personal invitation to come over here and live. They came to better themselves, but instead, they bring their shitty way of life and drag our country down with them! That is not how it is supposed to work! They come here and learn ENGLISH, the language of the land, and become productive members of society instead of living on welfare and my hard earned wages. IT is a lode of CRAP!!
WE need to wake up and smell the foreign food people, America is slowly but surely becoming a dump for other lands rejects. They can’t speak English, OUR LANGUAGE but they expect us to take care of them. BULLSHIT!!! If they want to become an AMERICAN, learn the language and become productive, good citizens of the USA and help us, not destroy us. IF they cant pass the test, get them the hell out!
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