Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ubuntu Linux...

I have been test out this install of Linux for the last few days. It is called Ubuntu. So far, i am really impressed with this as i have messed with SUSE linux before, but did not like it. I run an all Windows network and as such have had no need to test this before. I just thought that it would be neat to try.

The first thing that impressed me was how easy it was to install!! It took only 15 minutes to do a complete install and if there were other applications that you want, just do an update and you will get them. The second thing that impressed me was the ability of Ubuntu to open up my widows network! It found both groups, the MS Home and Work Group. Secondly, it was able to open up the shared drives that i have on my network with no problem and to also xfer files from them to the Linux computer. We have a shared printer on our network. All the computers in the house can access it. So, i decided to try to add a printer to the Ubuntu box and it found the printer and installed it. I tried a test page and it worked like a charm. I guess that is why Dell is selling Laptops with Ubuntu installed on them.

The computer that i installed it on is an older computer with a 1ghz Celeron processor and 512mb ram. It has a 20gig and a 60gig set of Hard Drives in it as well. I will keep messing with this over the following months and let everyone know what i think. It is different as you have to use command line stuff alot, but also it has a wide array of software applications that are prepackaged as well. There are several different installs that you can do with it. I did the Desk Top Edition. I also found a Multimedia Package called Ubuntu Studio. I might upgrade this install, I just don't know. I will let everyone know if i do this as the desktop looks very nice.

Well all, that is it for now on my adventures in Linux land. Have a good evening...

This is a great place to go and ask questions about Ubuntu. It is galled the Ubuntu Search Engine.

What is your opinion?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

New Vista Versions and Stuff...

A friend sent this link to me... LOL it is So Funny for you techie people out there.

Windows Vista to Ship in 33 Different Versions
By Russell Skingsley

Redmond, WA - Microsoft announced today that its new operating system Vista will ship in 33 editions to enable consumers to get exactly which version they need. Barry Goffe, a director of Microsoft's Windows client unit announced this innovative move from Microsoft earlier today.

"We're trying to make sure we have the right set of offerings for different customers," said Goffe. The impressive list of Vista Editions follows:

Vista Professional Edition
Vista Semi-Professional Edition
Vista Slightly Professional Edition
Vista Complete Amateur Edition
Vista Server Edition
Vista Server Premium Edition
Vista Server Not Bad But Not As Good As Premium Edition
Vista Server My Other Edition Is Premium Edition Edition
Vista 5 User License Edition
Vista Site License Edition
Vista Country License Edition
Vista Planetary License Edition
Vista Galaxy License Edition
Vista Universe License Edition
Vista Universe License Without Windows Media Player Edition*
Vista Home Edition
Vista Home Premium Edition
Vista Home Premium Edition With Some Server Features
Vista Home I Can't Believe It's Not Server Edition
Vista Away From Home But Have My Laptop With Me Edition
Vista Gamers Edition
Vista Mostly Play Games but Also Like to Surf the Net Edition
Vista Boot Straight Into World of Warcraft and Never Be Seen Again Edition
Vista Just Read Email And Clean Up Viruses Edition
Vista Downloaded Via Bittorrent Just Wait For The Subpoena Edition
Vista Erases Your iPod Edition (with Free Creative Player Voucher Included)
Vista Beginners Edition
Vista Intermediate Edition
Vista Advanced Edition
Vista Write My Own Drivers Edition
Vista One Finger On The Reset Button Edition
Vista Uninstall And Reinstall XP Edition
Vista ME Just Joking! Practical Jokers Edition

*Only Available In Europe

"There should be something there for everyone," said Goffe. When asked when the editions would be shipping, Goffe replied, "I can't really say, we haven't finished coding any of this yet."

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