Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Last Weekend...FUN FUN!!

I have been very tired this week. I rode over 5 miles on my mountain bike. My friend and I went to our favorite park on Saturday and we rode about 2 miles. That night, he had a party, and we hooked up with another person. So, we went back on Sunday morning and rode another 3.5 miles. He brought a GPS, so he tracked our trails and elevation changes. IT was WICKID FUN!!! We did nearly 500 feet in elevation changes. I placed all the pics on my FLICKER badge, but I will post a few random ones here.

THe top pic is of is our new friend, Jeff. The next pics is Mark, the next pic is of a sign that marks the boudary of the park, very random we there is no fence in that porion of the park; and the last pic is of me. Most of the pics were taken on a bridge that goes over a creek and their is a jump at the end of it.

The weather here is finally COLD...We also have a chance of snow on Sunday night!!! YEAH!!! WE are not getting the kind of ICe Storm that Texas is getting, but we are just as cold here.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

WE made it!!!!

We got into Houston last night @ 8pm Central time. The flight was a bad one. it was a commuter flight with only 3 rows of seats. So we got to sit on the engines at the end of the plain. We had 4 hours of drone that made us deaf!! we stayed at our aunt's house and today, we are at the sisters-in-laws for Christmas. It has been cool weather and i am glad. I will try to post tomorrow about our farther travels...

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...