Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fitness and Health..

As many know, I am on a health kick. I love to ride my Mountain Bike on the trails with and friends. So the other evening, my wife tells me that we/she joined the American Family Fitness Gym here in Richmond. It is a local chain, not to be confused with 24 Hour Fitness in Texas or elsewhere. So we went to the gym on Tuesday evening and looked over the facilities. They are very nice. We go to the Swift Creek facility. They have racket ball, basket ball, free weights, swimming, and an assortment of other activities.

I like to think that I am in good shape, so I decided to give the stationary bike a try and I did a cardio program. I entered my age and time that I wanted to ride. I entered 30 minutes and the bike stated I needed to get my hear rate up to 147BPM. Ok, I started the ride and after about 5 minutes, I hit the target. I kept up the pace and was riding at about a 2.5 minuet mile. I got over 11 miles in 30 minutes. I was impressed if I do say so myself. I also did that the next night as well.

I also started lifting weights for my lower back to strengthen it up. I talked to a trainer and he suggested that I do “dead lifts” and I said ok. I do 4 sets of 10 reps at 100lbs and them 2-3 sets of 10 at 110lbs. My lower back was very soar. I need to get back and do some more as I am no longer soar and ready to continue with the training.

My ultimate goal is to try to do the ride in Houston Texas that goes to Austin. It is called The BP MS 150. I am going to continue to train and stay in shape to be able to make this happen!! I will let you all in on more details as they happen.

What is your opinion?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moutain Biking and Health Benefits...

Last year about November I went to the doctor for a physical. He did all the blood work and all that stuff. My results came back good. My blood pressure is about 127/80 and my Triglycerides are about 189 which are in the good range. He said that I needed to loose some weight. At that time, I was about 185-190 and I am 5'8'' He suggested that I ride my bike more and that it would help. I said ok. I was going to try to anyway as I like to do it.

A few weeks ago, I realized that my pants were fitting very loose. They are a 34 waste. So after noticing that, I got on the scales after I took a shower and was amazed. I weighed 172!! I got on them on Sunday night and I was 169. I am on the first belt hole and all my 34 stuff fits me very loose. So with out even trying to loose weight, I have done it. I do not diet!! I eat what I want to and also at work I walk an incredible amount because of the size of the Fab that I work in. I walk an average of 10,000 steps a shift! So you see the reason that I do not diet. I am a very finicky eater! I only like cretin things.

I would like to ride about 12-15 miles a week, but my work schedule is very demanding at this time so that is not possible. I did however ride over this weekend a total of 16 miles! Riding on a trail is not like riding on the road or surface streets. Trail riding is much more demanding because of the terrain. I am very proud of what I have accomplished with my mountain bike ridding. It is great fun and I reap some good benefits from it! Don't get me wrong, I do get sore in my legs and my lower back from riding, and I have had a few wrecks, but it is all worth it.

What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...