If this shot had worked it would have been an awesome photo. I was at the lake last night and a boat with a blue light in the back came across where i was shooting. It would have left a "light trail" had it worked out. For some reason, i was having trouble getting the camera to focus, it was most likely due to the very dark conditions. As it is now, i got some very interesting camera effects from the mess-up. Even when a photo messes up, some artistic value can be gleaned from it.
Exposure: 6 sec (6)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Brightness: -588/100
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact: DjRenigade@proton.me
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Would Have Been Nice...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Like a fire...
This is the fountain at the entrance to our neighborhood. I shot it tonight just to see what it would look like. I placed the camera on a boulder near the water's edge. This was shot in Vivid Mode.
Exposure: 20 sec (20)
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Cars...at Night!
This was taken on Woolridge Road going across the Swift Creek Reservoir. I placed the camera on the back of my truck. and got some good shots. I think that this is the best out of the photo set that i took because you get the head and tail lights in the pic as well as see the road.
Exposure: 10 sec (10)
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Another Shot at Night, My Best Yet...
This was taken in Vivid Mode as well. You can see the green grass and light from the windows hitting it. You can also see stars above the houses as well.. I am just amazed at the depth and clarity that i can achieve with this camera. I think that is by far the best Night Photo that i have taken to date.
Exposure: 30 sec (30)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!