Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Comcast Sucks!!!
These assholes took away 5 channels last week and moved them to Digital cable. They need more bandwidth for the video on demand and the other digital stuff. I had digital cable when we moved to Midlo and the 'video on demand' was ok, but it had old movies. Big Freaking Deal!! Comcast has a strangle hold on the area that we live in and aside from getting Driect TV or some crap like that, i need comcast for the internet at the moment. FIOS will not happen for our neighborhood and DSL sucks. They are a necessary evil for the time being.
Perhaps they will move the rest of the semi watchable channels to digital and then we will have only local stuff to watch...
Who knows?
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
I am Pissed!!
In our neighborhood there are no loose dogs running around. Our neighbors have a dog that is in a fenced area and our other neighbors have a dog that they keep in their garage and sometimes let it run in the back yard. Our houses are about 15 feet apart on either side of our home. I walked out to put the trash in the can that is located between our homes and found dog poop all over the ground near my trashcan. Read what I said in the sentence before, We have no loose dogs. They must keep it in the garage and the feel the need to sweep the poop right out the garage door that is located directly across from my trashcan. That PISSES me off to no ends and I take the snow shovel and I scoop it right back into their yard. I have done it several times now and I guess that they don't get the picture. Please do not be trashy and keep their crap in their yard and not mine!
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Author Unknown
Hollywood Walk of Fame?
How the hell does or is Miley Cyrus even close to getting a star? Actors and Actresses go their whole life without getting a star until they are dead and she at all of what 15 is about to get one? What a load of crap!! Those stars used to mean something like you were an established actor, not some tween star from the Dumnsey channel. That just pisses me off to no ends. It just goes to show you the state that Hollywood is in.
"We are all geniuses when we dream"
- E.M. Cioran
Religious Shift...
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Morality Play?
I live in America. It used to be at one time the greatest place on earth to live. Now Rape, Robbery, and Violence like Pastor John C. Hagee in San Antonio said one day; they are the norm on the TV and the Evening News. Is America the fabled Babylon? I think so. With the evening news being about Brittany Spears and her latest romp; where is the real news? We have a whole generation of little girls that want to be like her. We have a whole generation of boys dressing like they are from prison with the saggy pants that do not fit them. Urban music is the programming media for the next generation. The media is owned by corporations and they filter what we hear and see, only letting out what is in their best interest. The declining morals of our society have been occurring for many years but I think it can be traced to a critical point when Madalyn Murray O'Hair filed suit to stop prayer in school.
We used to be a God fearing society, that is no longer the case. The United Stated was founded on Biblical Principals and we have gotten away from them; it is expressed in the moral decay that we are experiencing in our society. With our nation being flooded by illegal immigrants and the business relocating to foreign countries, what will keep us afloat? Where else in the whole world can you go and have a baby and it become a citizen with all the benefits of a true American? Nowhere ELSE! I would go back to the isolationist principals of the early 1920s through the 1940s that lead us to another war. For if we do not look out for ourselves, then who will?
We were once the shining star in the world. Now no country, save a very small few, are our friends. We try to stand for all that is good and right but clearly fall on our faces. The level of decay we are facing is in my opinion paralleled only by Rome before its fall and decay. Where else in the world will more people vote for a singer on TV than will vote for the Presidential Elections? Only in a culture, so decadent as ours can that luxury be had. People use TV as a way to escape from their real duties. People use TV as a baby sitter instead of raising their children like in days past. TV is not the answer.
Do I claim to be any better? No, I struggle each and every day to make myself better and to try to rise above the quagmire of moral morass and decay that infest the country that we live in. I am no crusader like in the days of old. I am just one voice against the ever increasing wash of white-noise generated in cyberspace.
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Cold Water....
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Help, My House Is To COLD!!! BURRRR
We are heading straight to the "Big Brother" country like in Fahrenheit 451. Grow a single cell and adjust your own damm temp in YOUR HOUSE!! Get a life!! I can tell if my home is too cold or hot; YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO AS WELL!! If the state of California was not so damm tight on its EPA regulations you could have had more power/light generation facilities 20 years ago. You would not be in the state that you are in now with not enough power to go around. Plan ahead! Many states have upgraded their power grid and do not suffer the same fate of your "Rolling Black-Outs"
Grow Up, Act and Think For yourself. Be Adults and regulate your on damm air conditioners. The other 49 stated do it! We do not need any more governmental regulation in the USA.
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TollBooth Users...
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Tired of The Osmunds...
We of the late 60’s and early 70s had to deal with all sorts of injustices and trends. Take Disco as a major one, Sonny & Cher, Shields and Yarnell, and The Osmonds! The all had variety shows that were on prime time TV and all had a lack of taste. Yes the 70’s were a hard time to deal with on TV. Now in the 2000s we have to deal with basically the same crap! Reality TV has inundated us in our homes with people dancing and trying to lose weight, get sober, and survive long days on desert islands on far off seas. With the Hollywood Writers on strike, this is all that we have to see. If it was not for pre-recorded shows we would have nothing to watch. Is this the year that the fossils come back to life? Marie Osmond has been in relative obscurity for the last 20 years and now she can dance? WOW!!! WHAT A REVLATION! THEY did that crap on their TV show way back in the 1970s! That is what they did! The danced, they sang, they did “funny” sketches bla, bla, bla…
Ok, she fainted on the show during that week. Ok. Let’s move on people. Her brother Donnie made commentary on ET Tonight and all sorts of other shows as well as having to suffer with her talking about it and all of the other reporters. It was MAJOR NEWS for a week!! It’s not like we have a war going on or the housing market is going to shit; No Marie Osmond FAINTED on TV putting a blemish on her silver TV personality. Cant they just go AWAY? I remember fondly as the dramatic TV announcers voice would say “Now the Clip of Marie fainting on “Dancing With The Stars” What was Wayne Newton’s reaction? IS she Ok? What will the judges think? Will this hurt her chances of winning the show? De De Do, Wubba Wubba Wubba… As if nothing else was news worthy. And now, with the resurgence of the Osmonds, much like a phoenix coming out of the ashes of TV obscurity; they are back on tour for Christmas. Marie and her brood of kids from adoption and divorce are touring and doing songs and another dammed variety show as we saw clips of their concert tonight on ET once again. I wonder if ET gets a kick-back for putting their asses on every episode of their show?
Cant it all just go away? For god’s sake, Wayne Newton was a star with Marie on Dancing With The Stars. Where did he crawl out from? What will next year be, “Dancing With The Dead, Arrested or Insane”? Sounds like a winner to me and as about as exciting as most of the rest of the crap that we are force fed every evening…
Now, back to my regularly scheduled coma…
You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif
Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!