Showing posts with label Spring Break. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Break. Show all posts

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sleepless in Midlo...

Well kiddies, it is that time again. Yes it is time for me to have that wonderful "shift-rotation" from nights to days. YUK! The last time I did this, I was unable to get good rest for about 2 weeks! I enjoy night shift and will miss my "peeps" that are on it.

Day shift is a lot more hectic with many more engineers and workers running about the Fab with tasks to get done before their deadline is over. It will be hard getting adjusted to getting up at 5.00am and leaving by 5.45 to get to work. Traffic will not be bad in the morning or evening, but that is of no consolation. I will be on "days" for the next 2 months and then rotate back to nights again. The one good thing is that the house they are building 40 feet from my bedroom will be completed and I will not have to put up with hammering and sawing from the workers!! They cut down a lot of trees in the back, but left enough so it would not look bare and it has not appeared to stop the birds from eating from my feeder.

This is just in time for "Spring Break" to occur here as well. We are supposed to go to DC next week and tour The White House. It is very hard to get tickets, but we were able to do it. During this trip, we are also going to tour The Capitol again, but a better tour will be given then the last one we took. I hope to have some good pics to go along with these tours as well. We are supposed to go to one of The Smithsonian Museums also and time permitting, go to The George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Here is another link to the site: This also gives details about the memorial. I have wanted to go to it for a while, but we have never made it there due to time constraints. I hope to get there this go around, if not, it is always about 2 hours from our home.

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