Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Photography Exhibit.

I have an exhibit running at the library for about a month or so. I will change out some of the pictures in another week or so.  If you are in the area, please drop by and see some of my work.

 City of Jasper, Texas - Public Library

Jasper Public Library. 175 Water St. Jasper, Texas 75951. Phone: 409-384-3791 Fax: 409-384-5881. Library Director: Denise Milton ...

Jasper Public Library

175 East Water Street
Jasper, TX 75951-4438
(409) 384-3791

If you want to Purchase a photo, please EMAIL me. RMStringer [at]
To Look At My Full Line Of Photography, Please go to Flickr/RMStringer

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Posts...

The next few posts will be Rose Macro photography. I used the Component 40mm f/4 lens I have. I hope you like them!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Flaming Lips at NX35 on 3/13 in Denton, TX Set list

The Flaming Lips
NX35 Festival
North Texas Fairgrounds
Denton, TX

1. Intro>Power Outage #1
2. Worm Mountain
3. Silver Trembling Hands
4. Yeah Yeah Yeah Song
5. In the Morning of the Magicians
6. Watching the Planets (acoustic version)>
7. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt. 1
8. Wating for A Superman
9. Power Outage #2
10. See The Leaves
11. Convinced of the Hex
12. Do You Realize

My Photo set on Flickr of The Flaming Lips.

If you want to Purchase a photo, please EMAIL me.
RMStringer [at]

To Look At My Full Line Of Photography,
Please go to Flickr/RMStringer

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Photography Show!!

Hey Folks, I am going to do a Photography Show here in Jasper Texas with 3 other photogs on April 3, 2010 going for 5 weeks at THE EAST TEXAS REGIONAL ARTS CENTER in Jasper Texas. Please come and help support Me and the Arts Center that night!!

If you want to Purchase a photo, please EMAIL me.
RMStringer [at]

To Look At My Full Line Of Photography,
Please go to Flickr/RMStringer

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Spider, My Friend...

One night not long after i moved back to Texas i walked out the front porch and i saw this spider. He built a very large web on the West end to capture bugs and moths. I thought kool, he was not in the walking path and i was going to leave him alone.

I came back out the next morning and he was gone. I was like, what happened to him because i knew that i did not kill him. The next night i walked back to the porch and he was back in the same spot. I was like Cool!! I wonder where he goes during the day and also i wondered where he goes during the day. These photos were taken on 6.25.2009, it is now 9.19.2009 and he is still in the same spot, building and rebuilding each and every night.

Sometimes, i go outside and i will capture a few bugs and moth or two and throw them into the web and watch it go and eat! It is very interesting to me that we can live with some insects and not bother them. He is not hurting me nor me it and i intend to keep it that way...

Do You Like The Photo?
Please Leave Me A Comment About It.

To Look At My Full Line Of Photography,
Please go to Flickr/RMStringer

Monday, June 29, 2009


022, 1st Wave!

Time To Go 1.2

Time To Go 1.2, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken on Rattlesnake Island located in Lake Sam Rayburn, Texas.

Thought that this was a neat photo...

Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Across The Lake...

Across The Lake..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken on Rattlesnake Island located in Lake Sam Rayburn, Texas. I took this photo using my Tele-Maro Lens. This is about 3 miles across the lake from where i was standing when i took the photo. That home is located close to Powell Park on the West Side of the lake. Had i taken the time to use a UV filter the haze would have been gone in the photo.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1000)
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Golden Rays...

Golden Rays..., originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken facing West before i drove into my neighborhood. I had been on the lake all day with friends and loved this photo. I took this photo using the kit lens.

Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/1250)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 200

Almost gone...


No Wind At All

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Looking West...

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Like Glass...

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Day Almost Over!

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Cloudy Sun! Over Lake

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Nice Water! Good Friends!

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

On Water!

Lake Sam Rayburn TX.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Spider 1.0

Spider 1.0, originally uploaded by RMStringer.

Taken with the Quantaray 70-300mm Tele-Macro Lens and my F58AM flash in the Macro Range on the lens.

Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 200

My Sony a200 Camera.

Hvl-58am flash. Vg-b30am grip and my 70-300mmTele-Macro Lens.

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...