Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Spider, My Friend...

One night not long after i moved back to Texas i walked out the front porch and i saw this spider. He built a very large web on the West end to capture bugs and moths. I thought kool, he was not in the walking path and i was going to leave him alone.

I came back out the next morning and he was gone. I was like, what happened to him because i knew that i did not kill him. The next night i walked back to the porch and he was back in the same spot. I was like Cool!! I wonder where he goes during the day and also i wondered where he goes during the day. These photos were taken on 6.25.2009, it is now 9.19.2009 and he is still in the same spot, building and rebuilding each and every night.

Sometimes, i go outside and i will capture a few bugs and moth or two and throw them into the web and watch it go and eat! It is very interesting to me that we can live with some insects and not bother them. He is not hurting me nor me it and i intend to keep it that way...

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