Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Could Superman Get Cut by a Lightsaber?

This is very interesting...
I thought that some of you might like to know this!~

superman-vsjedi.jpgIt’s a question that sounds like something that characters in a Kevin Smith movie would debate for a solid hour of a movie, but fortunately Gizmodo’s crack team of sci-fi and superhero geeks have put their heads together to come up with an answer so we all can rest a little easier.

• If the lightsaber crystal was green, like green kryptonite, or if they actually used kryptonite as the crystal, then Superman would melt like a hot knife through even hotter dog droppings.
• Superman’s been injured by lasers before (see most aliens he’s fought), so an extremely focused laser like a lightsaber could possibly hurt him if applied directly to the skin for a long enough time.
• If he were under the effects of kryptonite, when even bullets can hurt him, then a lightsaber could definitely chop off parts of his body.


• What type of radiation does the lightsaber emit? It’s light, and Superman gets power from the sun, so the lightsaber could be a refreshing lamp.
• It would just burn off his clothes, like in Superman 2, but it wouldn’t hurt him.
• He uses lasers (his own heat vision) to shave himself, so the best the lightsaber could do would to singe his chest hair, or give him a nice shave down there.
• Jedis can’t actually cut through “everything” with the sword. Example: the big huge door in Episode I. They had to jam in their lightsabers and “melt” a doorway inside the door. The sword was fast to go into the door because they applied all the force to the tip, but was slow cutting because the Jedis are only so strong. Picture you cutting through a watermelon. In the same principle, a lightsaber technically might be able to cut through Superman, but there’s nobody strong enough to force it through. Unless you somehow get the Hulk to use a lightsaber. But the Hulk doesn’t exist.

Verdict: Superman wins!

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Star Wars Construction...

I have been in the construction trades for a long time. I am an electrician and a controls technician. No to my point. I have been on many job sites. Materials have to be constructed and put together or prefabricated somewhere else and then brought to the job site. Materials are heavy and sometimes must be brought in from long distances. Steel beams are very heavy and cumbersome to move and require big cranes. Now, how in the Star Wars Galaxy does all this get acccompolished?

They say it took 20 years to build the 1st Death Star. I know that they had cloning technology for their work force, but where did they get all the metal and natural resources for the station? I know that weight is not an issue in space, but you still have to get the material their and that would expend resources and time to do that and with it being built so far in deep space, the materials would have to travel a long distance to get there. I know that is not problem with Hyper Space, but you still have to expend fuel to get there. Did they have processing facilities on a planet close by the construction site or did the materials came from Courscant? Can the manipulate matter and create something out of nothing?

It took less than 3 years to get the next Death Star under construction and to be built bigger than the first one. They got smart and built it with protection from the Moon of Endor. perhaps they got raw materials from the moon. Who can answere this for me?

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

11 things you may not know about "Star Wars"

I have not read this book. I have a PDF file that is called The_Secret_History_of_Star_Wars. I have read some of it, but it is over 400+ pages and i have not had the time. At the moment i am reading a book by Bob Woodward - Bush At War.

I will tell more about it as i get more into the book. But, back to the title. I found this on a blog that i was reading and i wanted to pass this along to you all.

Thanks to Jacoblog for this little rundown on the book.

1. In between the second and third drafts, Luke was changed to be a girl. (p. 40)

2. Because of its size and proximity to the Tunisia-Libya border, the Sandcrawler set was searched by the Libyan army to make sure it wasn't a secret Tunisian military weapon. (p. 157)

3. The R2D2 robot went out of control and wandered into the set of Franco Zeffirelli's "Jesus of Nazareth," which was also filming in the Tunisian desert. (p. 159)

4. Alec Guinness got mad and almost quit when, midway through production, George Lucas decided that Obi-Wan Kenobi would die. (p. 166)

5. During the entire production, only two people were fired and no one quit. (p. 255)

6. Carrie Fisher stood on a turntable to film the R2D2 hologram message. (p. 257)

7. After playing the part of C3P0 for the entire production, Anthony Daniels was almost replaced during voice-over recordings by someone who could make the character sound more like an American used-car salesman. (p. 265)

8. The trench that the rebels fly through isn't the one that runs around the equator of the Death Star. It's one of 18 vertical trenches that start halfway up from the equator and run toward the north pole. (p. 280)

9. The motion picture review board rated "Star Wars" a G, until the studio went back and demanded a PG rating. Also, some of the raters fell asleep during the screening. (p. 289)

10. Lucas and Steven Spielberg swapped profit points on their two movies, "Star Wars" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," each believing the other's would do better. (p. 298)

11. Twentieth Century Fox's stock jumped 450% immediately after the movie came out. (p. 301)

What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

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