They must have been really drunk not to want to investigate what was going on in the room. I HATE WASPS AND BEEs!! I rather fight a snake than to have to fight a wasp. Now being too drunk to want to investigate what all the buzzing was about is just beyond me. I just cant believe that the wasps did not sting them during the night with them moving about. I know that i move about when i sleep and also put my hands under the pillows. IF you ask me, they were very lucky!
A more unpleasant collection of bedfellows would be hard to imagine.
As Vicki and Clive Hames settled down for the night, they couldn't fail to notice the strange buzzing in the bedroom - but chose not to investigate.
On reflection, it's probably a good job that they didn't.
The wasp nest stretched from the pillow all the way down the back of the bed
Unbeknown to the couple, a swarm of wasps had built a nest beneath the pillows of their bed.
And, remarkably, they both slept the entire night without realising.
It was not until the morning, when 57-year- old Mrs Hames pulled back her pillow to reveal the angry swarm that she was stung once on the back.
Her 60-year-old husband, meanwhile, escaped unharmed.
Mr and Mrs Hames, from Northampton, heard the "low buzzing sound" as they tried to drop off in the spare room of her stepfather's house.
If that was me, i would have the the hell stung out of me!! I do not have that kind of luck. Here is the link for the rest of the story: Wasps are MAD!
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