Showing posts with label Legal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legal. Show all posts

Thursday, January 04, 2007

RIAA...Part The second

I welcome Comments to my BLOG.

This battle has been going on with the RIAA for over 7 years. The music industry missed the boat on this issue long ago. Way back when Napster first came on the Internet scene, they could have put an end to the file/music swapping by making pay sites back then. They DID NOT.
I remember back in the late 1990s, Camelot Music was going to put in their stores Cd burners that would allow you to make a personal CD to purchase. That would have been a great idea! You could have gone i and made a comp of your favorite artists for around $20. I mean, let’s face it, Most people purchase an album for 3-4 GOOD songs, the rest of the music is just filler unless you are like me and i am a completists and i like to get *everything* from the artist i like even if it is bad.
The P2P Internet trend is now unstoppable. It would take a complete shutdown of the Internet to stop the music/file swapping from happening and that will not happen. Too many people and businesses depend on the Internet for their livelihood. IF the RIAA shuts down a site, it will pop back up in another country. Period Point Blank!! I have seen it happen.

IF the Artist would have just agreed to let Napster sell their music for say $20 a month, they would have all been RICH! But they got greedy and now they suffer the outcome.

1. Better Technology
2. Declining Compact Disc sales
3. Declining Movie Sales(Not Good Products)

The RIAA can sue the entire world and it will not stop. Most people that download the tracks use them for personal use and do not *Sell* them to make a profit. In fact, a lot of people use downloading to sample the music beforehand to see if they like it.

IF you are in the middle of this RIAA/Music Downloading mess, a good place to go and join is the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

Well, enough of this mess...
Back to life.

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

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