Showing posts with label Contractor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contractor. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Work Stuff...

Well, it seams like the whole world is going crazy! People are leaving the job I work like rats on a sinking ship. I work on Nights 2 shift. Nights 1 shift, my old shift, is down to 1 tech, so I and my work partner have to rotate in and out of that shift to keep the coverage where it needs to be. So basically, I get 1 day off this week and that is tomorrow. I have worked since Sunday night and I will come back in on Thursday night and go till Sunday night.

I work a compressed work week and 12.5 hr shifts. My schedule is normally like this. 2 on 3 off. 3 on 2 off. But with shift coverage like it is, I am working more like 3 on 1 off 4 on 1 off. Great money, but it sucks because I like to have a life also.

The only thing that will make it all worthwhile is the fact that next week, I interview for Qimonda for a 300mm Automation position. It will be much better benifits and overall package as opposed to the contractor that I am working for now. We are subbed out to Murata via ColonialWebb and their benifits package suck and they offer no support and have offered no support during the last few months. SO it will be a BIG RELIEF if I get a job with Qimonda.

What really burns my ass up is when a company talks about "customer support" and "Integrity" but it is really a line of crap filled with smoke and mirrors to make you feel like they care, but when it really comes down to it, they worry about the bottom dollar and not the person. I have worked for many contractors and a few I have really liked and they meant what they said. But ColonialWebb talk a wonderful game and look good, but they have fallen down on the job where I work...
What is your opinion?

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...