Showing posts with label Flickr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flickr. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Flickr Scripts.

I use this all the time when i am on Flickr It is a great script when used in conjunction with Greasemonkey. This is the page where i got most of the scripts that i use when i am on Flickr. This is the link for many useful scripts.

Flickr - Multi Group Sender

It overrides the flickr "Send to Group" button above your photo/video and lets you send your Flickr image or video to multiple groups simultaneously


If you like the script, find it useful, or it saves you a lot of time, please make a donation, to show your appreciation


This script enables you to easily send your Flickr images/videos to multiple groups at the same time. It works by overriding the normal "Send To Group" button on your flickr photo page.


Heres a screenshot of the script in action:

Share this Script on Flickr

More Flickr Scripts

This script and all my other Flickr Greasemonkey scripts and some other Flickr programming projects are available on Steeev's Flickr Tools and Projects Page

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Blogroll Me!

Monday, June 09, 2008

FlickR Stuff

I have been trying to get more and more of my photos on Flickr placed on the Google map that is provided. So far, i have gotten most all of my St Thomas, Duke University, Epcot and Universal Studios placed. I also have various other photos on a map from different sets. Another example would be the Baltimore Harbor pics that i took with my LGVX 8600 Cam Phone. It is a neat option to be able to do that. Feel free to go and look at some of them.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Photography Stuff...

I just made a new set of photos on FlickR. It is called "Night Photography" This is my favorite type of photography. All of these photographs were taken on my adventures and trips.There are taken at night, most with no flash. These are shot with my 10.2Mp Sony a-200 DSLR, my 5.1Mp Sony DSC-H1 Cybershot, and my 1.3Mp LGVX8600 cell phone.

Please go and look at he set. Let me know what you think.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well, our website is back up and running. It is not on dedicated server space like it was before. I went and purchased a FlickR Pro account so I could have unlimited sets and groups as well as no limit of pics. The basic account has just a 200 pic limit and if you are like me, you take a lot of photos.

My domain name has been parked at for the last few months and I am in a battle with Registerfly as I bought server space for 1 year and then something happened to their company. I have about $20 in credit that I cannot get back from them as well as the 1 year contract for server space. It sucks! And They SUCK!! You cannot get them on the tele or via fax nor email. I xfered my domain to Enom and that is how I decided to get the FlickR Pro account. SO all texts and stuff like that will be on the FlickR page on the picture captions. I will tell about the adventures on the Blog. So if you want to stay up with us, subscribe to the RSS feeds that I offer on my blog.

What is your opinion?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Photos and Stuff

I just organized the pics to different sets on FilckR.

GO and Check them out!!!

Tell Me What You Think...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

FlickR Photos...

I have been doing some updating on my FlickR page with some of my pics that I have been taking over the past several years. I hope that you enjoy them.

Also, if you live in the Richmond area and love photography, then join the
The Richmond Photography Meetup Group
I just joined and I will tell you how it is.

Tell Me What You Think...

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...