Showing posts with label Enom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enom. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well, our website is back up and running. It is not on dedicated server space like it was before. I went and purchased a FlickR Pro account so I could have unlimited sets and groups as well as no limit of pics. The basic account has just a 200 pic limit and if you are like me, you take a lot of photos.

My domain name has been parked at for the last few months and I am in a battle with Registerfly as I bought server space for 1 year and then something happened to their company. I have about $20 in credit that I cannot get back from them as well as the 1 year contract for server space. It sucks! And They SUCK!! You cannot get them on the tele or via fax nor email. I xfered my domain to Enom and that is how I decided to get the FlickR Pro account. SO all texts and stuff like that will be on the FlickR page on the picture captions. I will tell about the adventures on the Blog. So if you want to stay up with us, subscribe to the RSS feeds that I offer on my blog.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

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