Showing posts with label Pocahontas Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocahontas Park. Show all posts

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sunday Morning Bike Ride...

Well folks we went to Pocahontas Park this morning at 7.45am and we hit the trails. We rode Lake View I,II,III. We have ridden I & II before but never III. It took off from Lake View II and it was really a GREAT trail to ride. It had many more turns and hills and was long. We decided to park inside the main park and not ride from Quala Lot as that would have added about 3+ miles to the ride. As it turned out, we rode about 14 miles this morning. I drank an entire pouch full of water! It was so hot and humid and there was not wind at all other then when we were riding our bikes. It was a fun ride but i have been really tired all day since i rode this morning.

Well, i need to get ready for sleep and work tomorrow...

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Today at Pocahontis Park

Mark and i went for a bike ride today and we go to the park at 9am We started off with the Red trail and then we rode the entire Blue trail. At that point, we had ridden just under 8 miles. We then decided to go ahead and ride the Green trail. It was about 4 miles. We decided to see how fast we could do it in and we rode hard and fast! We did the entire Green trail in about 25 minutes! The whole ride was from start to finish 11.01 miles and we averaged about 7.6 miles per hour. We had a very good ride and it was fun!! I did not go and work out today as that was all that i needed, perhaps i will go tomorrow evening...

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bike Ride Today...

Well, i came in from work and i got about 3.5 hours of sleep. Not a lot but i guess that it was enough. Mark and I went to Pocahontas Park and we did several new trails called Lake View and Lake View 2. They go around the lake that is in the park. They were mainly Red and Blue trails, so they were not very hard. We got there at around 1.15pm and we left at 4.oopm. All total we rode about 11.66 miles!! This is our personal record at this time. I hope to go riding on Sunday Morning at Powhite around 7.45am, as I will be getting off work.

I took an extra shift tomorrow night (i was off) but i cannot pass up the Over Time hours. It will make for a long 4 days, but with me trying to get on with Qimonda at this time; it will look good due to my cooperation with what needs to be done.
Well, I am going to sign off for now. I will have some more stuff to talk about over the next few days.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...