I normally try to stay away from current topics like this, but this hits very close to home as it is. We in America have been too lax in our immigration policy for too many years!! Bush says that he is trying to protect America by fighting a way on foreign lands all the while leaving our borders, Canada and Mexico, OPEN to both of those countries. WE do not know who or what is crossing these borders.
We need to close the border for good and then deport all foreign nationals that are in here without passports. The ones that have the proper papers will have to be subjected to a RIGOROUS background check. They need to be sent home and then they will have to reapply for a new visa status. Any mark on their records and they would not be admitted to the USA. I am all for people wanting to better themselves and come here legally. All of the crossing the borders illegally has GOT TO STOP!! All foreign persons that live here shall go through the proper channels to stay here and if they get in trouble, DEPORT THEIR ASSES!! 1 STRIKE AND OUR ARE OUT!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! NO IMMUNITY!!
Sure, this might piss off a few countries for a while, but we get no such treatment like we give people here and look what has happened. A Korean National on a Student Visa has killed 32 people for WHAT?? To prove a point that he was pissed at a teacher or a girlfriend?? What a WASTE OF LIFE! This would have never happened if more stringent immigration policies were in place! Their needs to be beater back ground checks on people coming into our country, much like other countries do to us.
What the most sick part of this whole situation is that the killer is applauded in other countries for killing Americans. Other places do not value life as we do. I am beginning to wonder how much value we place on it with the body count adding up in the War??

MSN.com =
Thirty-three people were confirmed dead after the bloodbath Monday, including the gunman, whom police identified as Cho Seung-Hui (pronounced Choh Suhng-whee), of Centreville, Va., a senior in the English Department. Cho was a resident alien who immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1992.
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