Showing posts with label Mountain Bike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mountain Bike. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2008

Bike Ride on Saturday Morning

On Saturday morning we rode the MCT trail system as the GORC mountain bike trails were very wet and muddy. We started our ride at 7.45am and made a 20 mile loop tarting at New Poag road and riding do to I255 and then back to our starting point. Total ride time was about 1.40 minutes.

We rode the Orange trail south to the MCT Bluff trail, then back to MCT Nature Orange Trail, connected to the Schoolhouse Red trail back to the Goshen trail north to the Watershed Blue to our parking area.

It was a besutiful morning and i cannot wait to go and do it this week at the regular GORC/SIUE ride at 6pm on Thursday evening.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bike Ride...

Well yesterday we got in a 12.82 mile ride on Lake View 1&2.  It was a great ride and they have done some more work to those trails and we found several new “Red” sections to the trails that had some crazy new stunts. Our total ride time was about 1’45 minutes. We hooked up with some people there that had never ridden those trails so it was a good time for them as well. My knees are very sore today but it is worth it. Not too bad after being off for 3 weeks.  I kept up cardio in the gym where I work out and I had already ridden 16.2 miles this week so I am very happy with all of that.   Have a good day…




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Morning Ride!!

I am off to ride at Pocahontas Park! We are going to ride Lake View 1&2 which will be a 12 mile ride. It is my first ride in a month due to all the traveling that we have been doing…I can’t wait!





IMBA Member: Dec 2007



Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Dorey Park in eastern Henrico County.

I would love for this park to reopen. I also want to go and check it out even if it is "closed"

Plan could reopen park trail to riders
Club, county work to repair Dorey paths damaged by storm
Chris McMillan, 30, a member of Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts, rides his mountain bike at Dorey Park in eastern Henrico County. The club is working toward an agreement with the county to restore mountain bike trails in the park.
Chris McMillan, 30, a member of Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts, rides his mountain bike at Dorey Park in eastern Henrico County. The club is working toward an agreement with the county to restore mountain bike trails in the park.


Mountain-bikers looking to pump their pedals in Henrico County might end up at Dorey or Deep Run parks if they read trail reviews on the Internet.

But according to the county parks department, Henrico has mountain-bike trails only at Dorey -- and they've been closed for several years.

That could change under a proposed arrangement between Henrico and the Richmond area chapter of the Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts.

Last week, the Board of Supervisors agreed to have the county pursue an agreement with the 80-member club to restore trails at Dorey that were closed after being damaged by Hurricane Isabel in 2003.

Richmond MORE, which has done similar, no-cost work at the James River Park System in Richmond, advocates for trails that are designed using methods that limit ongoing maintenance, erosion, tree damage and other impacts.

MORE members say the demand for trails is evident by the unsanctioned, or "social," paths that are worn in Henrico's parks.

"The proof is in the park," said Greg Rollins, trail advocacy director for Richmond MORE and a resident of western Henrico. "If the users weren't asking for it, the leaves would fall on the trail, and the trails would go back to nature."

Henrico discourages the creation of social trails in its parks, but officials say the problem is difficult to control.

Board of Supervisors Chairman David A. Kaechele said working with Richmond MORE makes sense because of the proliferation of informal trails, including at the Twin Hickory Park site, which hasn't yet been developed.

"It expands the uses of the park for different people's interests," he said. "That's what they're there for."

Many of Henrico's parks have wide, relatively-flat, paved trails for joggers, cyclists and parents with baby strollers.

But mountain bikers crave a more extreme experience.

"They don't give the feeling of being in the woods," Rollins said of the wide paths. "The closeness of the trees gives you the feeling of speed."

Several miles of mountain-bike trails were built at Dorey about seven years ago with help of a state grant.

The trails, designed for beginner and intermediate riders, are officially closed, but they've gotten some continued use, based on trail reviews posted by riders at

Rollins said Richmond MORE doesn't endorse social trails, and he sees them as a problem in all county parks. The club had proposed working with Henrico to design trails at Dorey and Deep Run, but the supervisors agreed to proceed at only Dorey despite liability concerns by County Manager Virgil R. Hazelett.

In 2000, a mountain-biker became a quadriplegic after crashing into a ravine at Poor Farm Park in Ashland while participating in a class sponsored by Henrico. Henrico later paid $1 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the rider, Barry Fountain, according to officials.

Richmond MORE's $1 million-per-accident insurance policy covers any trails built by the club, Rollins said. If all goes well at Dorey, the club hopes to design trails at Deep Run and elsewhere.

"We feel it's baby steps," he said.
Contact Will Jones at (804) 649-6911 or


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mountain Biking...

We went to the Buttermilk Trail System this morning. It was about 38 degrees and cloudy. We ended up getting 11.39 miles or ridding today.  I have some pics and video to put up next week as soon as I get them.  Yester day I was able to get in 9.38 miles so I feel really tired but also good after nearly 21 miles for 2 days!!


Have a good evening…




"We are all geniuses when we dream"

- E.M. Cioran


Bell Isle Trails...

Posted via my LGVX8600 phone.
From RMStringer

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Biking Today...

We ended up doing 11.40 miles this morning. We rode the Red, Blue and Green trails.

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Off For a Ride!!!

I am off for a ride at Pocahontas Park on the Red and Blue Trails with Jeff. I hope to get in about 9 miles today!


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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mountain Biking Today...

We went to Pocahontas Park and we did the Red Trail. IT was fun as we had not ridden it in a long time. The redid a section of the trial and made a Half-Pipe out of it. I saw it and rode it several weeks ago with Mark. I will have some video clips of a few parts of the trial. Jeff brought his camera and we used the video function. After we rode the Red, We went to the Green trial and it was a good fun ride on that trial we had 6.69 miles when we made it back to the Quala Lot. I hope to get some more ridding in this weekend!!

God Bless and have a good Thanksgiving Day!!



"Seduction is thus a central, indeed in certain respects, the central idea, in political life.

It signifies a course of action deliberately designed by one or more interested

agents to undermine and replace some established loyalty."

Kenneth Minogue (November issue of The New Criterion)

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...