Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mountain Biking Today...

We went to Pocahontas Park and we did the Red Trail. IT was fun as we had not ridden it in a long time. The redid a section of the trial and made a Half-Pipe out of it. I saw it and rode it several weeks ago with Mark. I will have some video clips of a few parts of the trial. Jeff brought his camera and we used the video function. After we rode the Red, We went to the Green trial and it was a good fun ride on that trial we had 6.69 miles when we made it back to the Quala Lot. I hope to get some more ridding in this weekend!!

God Bless and have a good Thanksgiving Day!!



"Seduction is thus a central, indeed in certain respects, the central idea, in political life.

It signifies a course of action deliberately designed by one or more interested

agents to undermine and replace some established loyalty."

Kenneth Minogue (November issue of The New Criterion)

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