Showing posts with label Rip-off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rip-off. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ready for the wool to be pulled?

How many of you have heard of Peter Popoff?? I am sure that many of you have if you ever watch or have watched TV. He is a Televangelist that is the "HOT" item at the moment. He is the one giving for a "small donation” for the "Miracle Spring Water"!

I was up early this morning and I saw a TV show with him and his wife and he was praying for Finical Freedom form Satanic enslavement. For God to just rip the bonds off and for you to have finical freedom!! And by drinking his water, you will get healed!! Just think about it...

Drink the vial of Miracle Spring Water and you can be healed!! Praise God.
He was talking and spouting scriptures about wealth in the bible by being a good servant and obeying the Lord. I am a Christian, but this whole-sale rip-off of people just takes the cake. About 20 years ago, Popoff was run off TV for being a Hoax!

In my opinion, he is no better than a sexual predator. He prays on the hopes and dreams of people and for a small donation you to can have you wildest dreams come true. I saw a testimonial this morning. A woman asked for him to pray for her to have a finical burden lifted off of her and family and lo and behold, she received 2 checks in the mail all totaling $70,000!! Wow, if it was only that easy, I would have been a millionaire long ago!! The lady looked like a destitute person and was barley intelligible in her speaking.

"You can also read on an independent website about how James Randi went toe-to-toe with Popoff in the late 80’s. Ordinarily Seems Randi publicly exposed (on Johnny Carson) research he did with a team of people over several months into Popoff’s mass ministry sessions. Popoff had become well-known for being able to “receive messages from God” during his stadium performances. He would go to somebody in the audience, tell them their name and address, and what ails them, and then heal them of it. Turns out Randi caught him on tape using an electronic surveillance device receiving the “word of God” from his wife, a staff member who had information cards and guided him via radio transmitter to the audience members whom God had chosen for healing.

The team recorded hours of conversations in which Elizabeth Popoff radioed to her husband personal details that she and other aides gathered from the audience in conversations before the service and from prayer request cards filled out there. Elizabeth Popoff and several aides would scout the audience looking for “hot” ones. They would ask them, “Is Jesus going to heal you? And what’s your name, and where do you live? Have you had this condition long?” They would write all this information down on cards, which later on Elizabeth would recite during the service via her concealed transmitter. She carried the power source in a large handbag, and the transmitter and microphone were hidden under her blouse."

This makes me wonder about other Televangelists like Benny Hinn. Or another preacher that I think that got into the business to prove that you can make money in this business. His name was Dr. Gene Scott. We used to watch him in college back in the early 1990s. He would be preaching with a cigar in his mouth and a pair of sunglasses on. Then cut to his home with several dancers and watching his Race Horses run around with the girls on them listening to the Neutron Dance by the Pointer Sisters!! Wow, that was a lot to talk about...

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