Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Custome Search For IE7 and Firefox.

How to add Dyxum Lens Review Search to Firefox

Thanks to view profile is a group moderator

for posting this little tool.

This might be of interest to my fellow eBay addicts who spend a lot of time reading
reviews on while looking for bargains. The steps below
will allow you to add a custom search to the built in search bars in
Firefox or Internet Explorer 7. This is just a tip, I don't endorse or make any guarantees of
any kind with this. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

To do this I went to this site:

Entered the following:

1) Search Name: "Dyxum"

2) Front of Search:

3) Back of Search:

4) Description: Dyxum Lens Reviews

5) Option XML: (leave blank)

6) Paste all of this text into "image text" box on the right of the page:


7) Click "Read the image text"

8) Click "Make the Plugin"

9) Follow the prompts from your browser


10) Click the "Open Search Plug-in" Link and it should prompt you to install it.

11) Click the down arrow on the search box and select the "D"

Worked for me and I hope it works for you!

Dyxum Search

Click the "Open Search Plug-in" Link and it should prompt you to install it. I'm using Firefox 3 just as an FYI.


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Sunday, June 08, 2008

How to use Firefox as Windows Explorer or File Manager?

is the most commonly used browser among the bloggers and blog
followers. If you don’t like to clutter your windows experience by
opening lots of windows then you can use Firefox as Windows Explorer or
File Manager. As Firefox comes with tabbed interface, you can open all
the file locations in different tabs which otherwise would have come in
different windows.

So How to use Firefox as Windows Explorer or File Manager?

By default, Firefox can not be used as Windows Explorer. As Internet
Explorer can be used as Windows Explorer also, all that you have to do
is install the IE Tab plugin for your Firefox.

Firefox as Windows Explorer

(Windows XP Theme used in the image: Micorsoft Zune XP Black Theme)

Now, open an IE Tab in the Firefox and use the file extension
“file:///” followed by local drive to use Firefox as Windows Explorer
(For example, “file:///D:/Lyte%20Byte”). These file locations can also
be bookmarked like a regular webpage, so the next time all you have to
do is just click a link in Firefox to open up a folder in your computer.

If you are looking for a Windows Explorer with a tabbed interface, you can also use IE7 in Windows Vista or XP. Also checkout “How to get a tabbed Windows Explorer or File Manager?

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...