We were at DC last night and we saw several of the memorials. I was on my way back to the car and we came upon the cross walk. It was a really good area for doing this type of photography with the surrounding lighting and both directions of traffic. I used "Vivid Mode" for this shot.
Exposure: 20 sec (20)
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact: DjRenigade@proton.me
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Light Trails 2
Light Trails 1
This was the first of the "Traffic Trails" set that i used to post. I used a long exposure time and it hight F/Stop. I love the tail lights that were going past where i was set up to shoot the photo. The lighting across the street as well as the traffic lights gives it an almost ethereal feel to the photograph. This series was taken between the FDR and the Korean Memorials.
Exposure: 20 sec (20)
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 400
The Lincoln Memorial
I shot this in Black and White as well as 16:9 High Definition Aspect Ratio. It was not a long exposure. I did use low F/Stop. I think that the B/W shows off the contrast in the marble that it was built with. I used a flash for this photo.
Exposure: 0.1 sec (1/10)
Aperture: f/5
Focal Length: 30 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Looks Fake to me?
I took this on 4.11.2008 at 10.26pm. It has a very CGI look to me. It was also shot in Vivid Mode. It has a very ethereal look to it.
Exposure: 30 sec (30)
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!