Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Socialistic States? You Bet!

Well, i guess that enough smoke was blown up the asses of the Socialistic States of America to get Obama Elected.

Welcome to the new Socialistic Democratic Republic Of America. Where the rich get poorer and the poor get poorer. "Robin hood Economics" will be the norm now.

Barack 'Robin Hood' Obama and Joe 'Little John' Biden are planning to rob from the rich to give to the poor, in order to 'spread the wealth.'They want to increase taxes on those making at least $250,000, while cutting taxes for those making less than $250,000. What they neglect to tell us is that they're raising taxes on the providers of jobs, goods, services and charitable contributions on which the rest of us depend.

So, once per year we get a greater tax return, while paying higher prices for our goods and services throughout the rest of the year.

And, because of higher corporate taxes, jobs will move overseas, more American dollars will go to offshore accounts, fewer dollars will go to charitable contributions and the work force will be cut.

The American Dream will have a $250,000 ceiling. Who really wins when we stick it to the rich guy? Politicians."

They only hope is that the Demoncrats screw the public so bad that in the midterm elections the Republicans get back both houses.

May God have mercy on our country as well are going to need it.

What is your opinion?
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Monday, February 04, 2008

If you Smell What Ba"Rock" Obama is Running For!!

Is it just me or has anyone noticed how much The Rock and Brarck look and sound alike? Take when Ba"Rock" gets to pitching his campaign speaches and when the Rock gets to saying his tel tel sayings...

Let em know what you think about the two of them..

Here are a few examples:
The Rock:

Ba"Rock" Obama:

What is your opinion?
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4 New Tracks!! #Bandcamp

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