Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Snow in April?? Really??

It snowed last night here. The weather man got it correct for a change at That is our local station. The forested a 60% chance and it was correct!! I woke up around 3am and i saw snow flakes. I got up around 6.30am and there was snow all over the ground here. I have some pics of the weather event...

It is all melted this evening. It kind of reminded us of the snows we would get in Colorado. They would come during the night and be gone before early afternoon.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Powhite Park...

At 7.30am this morning, it was 33degrees... FREAKING COLD!!! We met at the park to go and do an early morning ride and met there at 8.15am, still 33degrees. Mark, Anders, and myself all met up, Mark and Anders got acquainted, as he works at the same Fab as I do. He is from Germany.

It was my inaugural ride of my new bike on the trails! SO we started off slow so I could get the "feel" of the new bike's geometry. It is drastically different from my old bike. It is much easier to ride then my old one as well, 8lbs Vs. 22lbs. Very BIG difference. 24 speed Vs. 21 speed also makes a big difference as well. So, off we went up the trails.

For the first time, I was able to make it over the tree obstacles that I did not do on my old bike. The new one has more ground clearance and my other bike would drag the pedals on the wood. This one did not. So, in that respect, I was very proud of my self. We finally made it to the Half pipe!! At the beginning of it, it is about 6 feet deep and to start it, you have to go threw it to get to the other side of the trail. In the past, I would make it over a root that was at the top, parallel to the ground because my momentum would carry me over it. This time however, it did not and I crashed!! The bike is lighter than my old one and its front tire just went along the root...CRASH!!! I think that I was more worried about my bike getting messed up than I was myself! My knee is a little banged up, but I am ok.

The rest of the ride was AWSOME!!! The Half Pipe ROCKS!! Having Disk breaks is totally different from the old style breaks. With Disks, you can stop on a dime!! So this too, was a learning period. When you are riding down the single track trails, you have to make minor adjustments with both breaks to navigate over roots, rock, and other obstacles. Having good breaks allows you to do this, but learning on a new set of breaks, takes some time to do.

After we made it down the Half-Pipe, we made another round up a different trail, all leading up to the Half Pipe once again. All trails lead to it. So, all in all, It was a very good ride this morning and I can’t wait to go and do another.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

This weekend...

Well, it is still cold here and I will not be going to Culpeper Va. The GC got the scheduling messed up and we are not needed there for another 3-4 weeks!!! On a different note, i just got my new set of tires put on my Tacoma. We had to special order them as the size is very strange. IT is 265/65/17. That size is not normally in stock. i will let everyone know what i think of them. I bought Goodyear Wrangler tires. Give em a few days and let me ride on them for a bit...

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Deep Freez...

WE have been in the 30s for the last 2 weeks! It is only going to get colder next week. We are supposed to have a big winter storm by Tuesday. I am also going to work this weekend in Cullpepper Va for Sun Control Systems. I might take my camera and snap some pics of the outside of the building as it is very neat. Well i gotta go as i am very tired and got several more days to work this week.

Tell Me What You Think...

Friday, January 26, 2007

Off time...

Well, this weekend is some much needed downtime. I slept in until 11:15 this morning and got out of bed. I am listening to some good "psytrance" from a band called Symphonix. This music would have sounded good at a club in Beaumont Texas called "The Palladium" They had a killer soundsystem with a very awesome light show!!

It is very cold here today and it is not going to get out of the 30s. But tomorrow it will be like 50, BIG temperature change tomorrow. but then back cold by next week.
Thankx to for the weather forecast. Their site is very good if you want to know about our local news.

You know when you need to get tires, but you don't have the time? For one thing, my tires for my Toyota Tacoma are a very strange size: P256/65R17 and most places do not carry that size on hand.

Well, We ordered tires online from Wal*Mart and i am still waiting for them. IT is the 26th of January and my sticker goes out on February 1. I hope that the tires come in soon so i can get them and then get my car inspected. I have over 44,000 miles on my old set. I think that i have gotten the good out of them!

Well, more later. i think that i will post about and make a few pics of my different types of house plants that i have.


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Sunday, January 07, 2007


When we were starting to leave Texas on Saturday the 30, I started to get a "cold". Everyone in Texas, at least the ones we wanted to see were sick or had a cold. IT seems that it never fails, One of us ends up sick and going to the emergency room! Over the last 3 years, Sondra and Chelsea have had to go for something. Well, when we got there, my mother was sick and my grandmother had a cold.

As i said, i started to feel sick. IT is not the "flu" but it is kicking my ass!! I am coughing my head off at night and i feel good and then feel bad, but the cough has go to GO! I am sooo tired of this. IT is like luggage that you never get rid of.

I have taken everything under the sun, NyQuil, Advil, other stuff and it does not work. I guess that i will just have to ware it out. The other night, I woke up at 4am coughing my head off and it woke my wife up. Bless her soul, she place a cough drop in my mouth and I went back to sleep...

Cough, Cough...
Almost time for bed...

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...