Sunday, January 07, 2007


When we were starting to leave Texas on Saturday the 30, I started to get a "cold". Everyone in Texas, at least the ones we wanted to see were sick or had a cold. IT seems that it never fails, One of us ends up sick and going to the emergency room! Over the last 3 years, Sondra and Chelsea have had to go for something. Well, when we got there, my mother was sick and my grandmother had a cold.

As i said, i started to feel sick. IT is not the "flu" but it is kicking my ass!! I am coughing my head off at night and i feel good and then feel bad, but the cough has go to GO! I am sooo tired of this. IT is like luggage that you never get rid of.

I have taken everything under the sun, NyQuil, Advil, other stuff and it does not work. I guess that i will just have to ware it out. The other night, I woke up at 4am coughing my head off and it woke my wife up. Bless her soul, she place a cough drop in my mouth and I went back to sleep...

Cough, Cough...
Almost time for bed...

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