Showing posts with label Moutain Bike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moutain Bike. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mountain Bike Ride

I went and meet a new group to ride with last night.  The trails were located in Edwardsville Il and we got in a 10.3 mile ride.  There were 6 of us on the ride including the lease owner of the trail system. Most of the trails were like Lake View 1-3 in Pocahontas State Park in Virginia that I rode many times.  The group affiliated with the trail system is called GORC - Gateway Off-Road Cyclists


I made some great contacts and got some numbers to call if I want to try to get a ride going.  More later and pics to follow.





SIUE Trail System Map




Darkseid: The Anti-Life Equation here is revealed to be

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair +

self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemantion ÷

misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x

judgment n=y where y=hope and

n=folly love=lies life=death self=dark side


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Mountain Biking Saturday Morning

We went to Pocahontas Park on Saturday morning and we rode The Red and Blue Trails. It was very humid but we got there early enough so it was not that hot. We had a 9 mile ride when it was all over with.

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Mountain Biking Total

We did Poco Red and Blue today and ended up with 8.84. SO for the weekend, I have a total of 24.49 miles over 3 rides.  My legs are very sore for the activity but I feel very good and it was freaking cold, 36 degrees when we hit the trial head!!




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Bike Weekend...

Well, I rode on Friday with a total of 6.64 miles on the Blue and Double Red trials at Pocahontas Park, Saturday we went to Buttermilk and we got in a 9 mile ride. IT was the best ride that I have ever done at Buttermilk. I can tell that I am really improving. I am going this morning back to Pocahontas and we are going to do the Red. IT is about 39 degrees, VERY COLD! I will post a grand total of my miles later today…




"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,

anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Author Unknown


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bike Ride Today…

Mark and I went to Pocahontas Park and did the Lake View 1&2 trails. We parked at the Quala Lot. If you park there, it will add 2+ miles to the ride as Lake View Trails are on the other side of the park. We had a good ride and it totaled 12.01 miles today. On Friday, we did the Blue and Double Red Trail with a mileage of 7.01. So for the weekend I got in 19 miles! We are supposed to go back to Pocahontas next weekend and have a friend join us for the ride…


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Today at Pocahontis Park

Mark and i went for a bike ride today and we go to the park at 9am We started off with the Red trail and then we rode the entire Blue trail. At that point, we had ridden just under 8 miles. We then decided to go ahead and ride the Green trail. It was about 4 miles. We decided to see how fast we could do it in and we rode hard and fast! We did the entire Green trail in about 25 minutes! The whole ride was from start to finish 11.01 miles and we averaged about 7.6 miles per hour. We had a very good ride and it was fun!! I did not go and work out today as that was all that i needed, perhaps i will go tomorrow evening...

What is your opinion?
Blogroll Me!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Poco Park Tomorrow morning...

Mark and I are going on a ride tomorrow morning at Pocahontas State Park. I think we are going to ride the Red and Blue trails depending on how tired i am from working all night.

Anyone up for a ride?

What is your opinion?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fitness and Health..

As many know, I am on a health kick. I love to ride my Mountain Bike on the trails with and friends. So the other evening, my wife tells me that we/she joined the American Family Fitness Gym here in Richmond. It is a local chain, not to be confused with 24 Hour Fitness in Texas or elsewhere. So we went to the gym on Tuesday evening and looked over the facilities. They are very nice. We go to the Swift Creek facility. They have racket ball, basket ball, free weights, swimming, and an assortment of other activities.

I like to think that I am in good shape, so I decided to give the stationary bike a try and I did a cardio program. I entered my age and time that I wanted to ride. I entered 30 minutes and the bike stated I needed to get my hear rate up to 147BPM. Ok, I started the ride and after about 5 minutes, I hit the target. I kept up the pace and was riding at about a 2.5 minuet mile. I got over 11 miles in 30 minutes. I was impressed if I do say so myself. I also did that the next night as well.

I also started lifting weights for my lower back to strengthen it up. I talked to a trainer and he suggested that I do “dead lifts” and I said ok. I do 4 sets of 10 reps at 100lbs and them 2-3 sets of 10 at 110lbs. My lower back was very soar. I need to get back and do some more as I am no longer soar and ready to continue with the training.

My ultimate goal is to try to do the ride in Houston Texas that goes to Austin. It is called The BP MS 150. I am going to continue to train and stay in shape to be able to make this happen!! I will let you all in on more details as they happen.

What is your opinion?

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pocahontas State Park this morning

We did the Red and Green Trail. All total, we rode 8.3 miles today. All total this weekend we have ridden 18 miles!! I have some pics that i will put up later today.

What is your opinion?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

End of trail!

At this point, we had ridden 9.03 miles around the James River on both of the banks of it. Very challenging trails as there were several different parks that make up the loop.

Here is the link to the whole collection of pics.

Forest Hill Park Mountain Bike Trail

"Description: Short small network of trails through a formerly fabulous (100 years ago or so), then dilapidated, now archeological find type of site. This park has been neglected for so long it has become beautiful again. Trails in this park were part of the Xterra race (June 2004). These trails are accessible from Reedy Creek (which is along the Buttermilk trail). Excellently difficult to climb hills, both single track and paved. An excellent whoop-dee-whoop on the East end (a bit hard to find, go over the creek near Forest Hill Avenue). Short trails, but worth exploring while riding the Buttermilk/Belle isle trails."


The backside of the previous post.


Cool Sign!!! Near the end on the South Side of the James River.

Flatrock Park...

This is on Bell Isle and t is a really neat place to go and ride.

Flatrock park

Treadgar Foot Bridge

Looking back at downtown Richmond over the James River going to Bell Isle. It is all part of the Buttermilk Trail System.

Treadgar bridge!

North Shore Trail

Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...