Friday, August 15, 2008

Mountain Bike Ride

I went and meet a new group to ride with last night.  The trails were located in Edwardsville Il and we got in a 10.3 mile ride.  There were 6 of us on the ride including the lease owner of the trail system. Most of the trails were like Lake View 1-3 in Pocahontas State Park in Virginia that I rode many times.  The group affiliated with the trail system is called GORC - Gateway Off-Road Cyclists


I made some great contacts and got some numbers to call if I want to try to get a ride going.  More later and pics to follow.





SIUE Trail System Map




Darkseid: The Anti-Life Equation here is revealed to be

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair +

self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemantion ÷

misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x

judgment n=y where y=hope and

n=folly love=lies life=death self=dark side


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