Showing posts with label Mountain Biking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mountain Biking. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

SIUE Ride this evening

There was only two of us tonight as it was not a GORC event. We rode 13.70 miles this evening.

Over half was on the MTB trails and the other half was on the Madison County biking system. They have over 100 miles of county trails that used to be rail road tracks that the county acquired. The paved most of them and they are going to be connected to our town by this fall. It was a very good and fun ride.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Mountain Biking Wednesday

For any of you that live in the St Louis area, we are going to SIUE to ride Wednesday evening at 6pm

If you live in the area, a good site to check out is GORC

Type: Multiple Loops

This trail system is made up of nearly 8 miles of tight, twisty, all-dirt singletrack in 4 separate trails, with a 5th trail in the works. Modest elevation gain, thick forest, and smooth hardpack make for rides which will satisfy every rider from beginner to advanced. The trails were designed in such a way that they would be a place not only for beginners to try out mountain biking, but also to allow more advanced riders an opportunity to test their bike handling skills by riding the narrow trails at a more rapid pace.

They are built partially on the site of an old outdoor amphitheater from the 1970’s, better known as the "Mississippi River Festival." The trails are easily accessible from the numerous bike paths that intertwine the Metro-East, so if you live in the area, driving to the trails is not necessarily required. While all the trails are designed to IMBA standards, because of the all-dirt surface, it is recommended that you not ride these trails immediately following rain.

Please download a map and take it with you, so you will be able to find all the loops, as they are spread out among numerous cross-country running trails.

Take hwy 255 North past Interstate 270, to New Poag Road. Turn Right or East at the end of the exit ramp. Stay on New Poag Road until the first intersection with a 4 way stop sign. This will be University Drive. Turn Right onto University Drive. The road will immediately bend to the left, at the end of the bend on your right is a gravel road, turn onto the gravel road. Follow the rock road past the hedgerow on the left, the road will make a 90 Degree turn to the right and then back to the left, then it will dead end. The Northernmost Trailhead is located at the 90 degree corner of the woods near that dead end.

View High Res Map in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format

SIUE Trail System Map

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sunday Morning Bike Ride...

Well folks we went to Pocahontas Park this morning at 7.45am and we hit the trails. We rode Lake View I,II,III. We have ridden I & II before but never III. It took off from Lake View II and it was really a GREAT trail to ride. It had many more turns and hills and was long. We decided to park inside the main park and not ride from Quala Lot as that would have added about 3+ miles to the ride. As it turned out, we rode about 14 miles this morning. I drank an entire pouch full of water! It was so hot and humid and there was not wind at all other then when we were riding our bikes. It was a fun ride but i have been really tired all day since i rode this morning.

Well, i need to get ready for sleep and work tomorrow...

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sunday Morning Bike Ride

We are going to go and ride Lake View 1,2,3 tomorrow morning. If we rode from Quala Road lot, it will be 18 miles. I think that we are going to park in the main park and cut out about 3 miles of the ride.  I will give some updates tomorrow after the ride.


Tags: Mountain Biking, Pocahontas Park, Chesterfield Virginia, USA



God does not think, He Creates; God does not exist, He is eternal.
Man thinks and exists, and existence separates thought and being,
holding them apart from one another in succession...

Subjectivity is truth, subjectivity is reality.

Soren Kierkegaard 1846 "Postscript: The Subjective Thinker"


Friday, May 02, 2008

Mountain Biking Today!!

I went with Jeff today to Powhite Park for a nice ride today. We meat at 2.0pm and started on the trails. It was a windy day at 85 degrees and sunny! We had a good ride and rode 4.5 miles, not really hardcore today just getting in a good cardio work-out! Powhite is really hilly, not many lat trails and they are in really good shape given all the rain that we had in the last 9 weeks. Some of the obstacles have been taken out due to they want the trails to be more hiker friendly because of the condos that are being built next to the park. In my opinion, they could have cut a trail to the side of the obstacle and let it in. We will see what happens to the park after all the people move in.


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Monday, February 25, 2008

Weekend Bike Ride...

Yesterday we rode Lakeview 1&2 again and ended up with 12.45 miles total. After the ride, my legs were destroyed!  My calf muscles and quads are sore as well as my knees.  It was the perfect temp for a ride as it was about 45 degrees.

Have a good evening…




You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif


Friday, February 22, 2008

A recap of the last few weeks...

It has been a long week here for us. Wife has been away for business and i have been minding the house. Chel and I have gone to the gym several time and have had a good time. We are now eagerly awaiting her return. We were worried that she would not be able to fly home tonight due to the bad weather but she had no problems!

I have taken a part-time job at the place where i work. I am doing data cabling for a company called Archura. The do most of the fiber and Cat6 at the server farm. They have been great in working with my schedule.

It has been really nasty weather here the last few days and Chel hoped for a 2-hour delay in school but did not get it. We just have not been hit with an great amount of snow or ice this year. The weather man said that we will be in a very cold pattern till the end of the month, perhaps there is still time for a Winter Storm!

I have been reading lots of book this year. I finished a book called Blackwater and then i started a book called Blasphemy which i finished it Wednesday. Several years ago, i read a book by an author named John Twelve Hawks. The book was called The Traveler. I was in my "library" the other night and i saw the book and wondered if he had a new novel. I looked it up and found his newest one which i went and purchased yesterday. It is called The Dark River, the second of three novels in the Fourth Realm Trilogy I have not started it yet and perhaps i will read it next week.

I am going to ride sometime this weekend, just not sure when it will happen...

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Bike Stuff...

As i told everyone a while ago, my wife, Sondra, bought me a set of Kenda Tires for my Mountain Bike. I had a set of 2.2inch tires on the bike and the back tire was worn smooth. I went to a set of Kenda 2.35s Much bigger! I feel that they are more stable when i go over obstacles on the trails and they are about as big of a tire as i can go on my bike. The back tire started to rub on part of the frame when i would put a lot of pressure when ridding and the back tire was a little out of true. By true i mean that the rim was not round anymore due to being bent from jumping stuff. I went to Performance Bike yesterday evening and they were able to true the rim of the bike so it is not rubbing anymore. I would have hated for the bakc tire to get destroyed from the rubbing. The Kenda Nevegal tires are great to ride on and they corner very well in my opinion but dont take my word for it, go and get a set for yourself!

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Youtube Page

I have a YouTube Page that i started to keep all the mountain biking videos on plus some of my favorite music vids as well. GO and let em know what you think.

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We ahd a big group today, 10 people to be exact. We rode the Green Trail first then we went to the Blue Trail so we would have access to the Double Red Trail and all of the new stunts that are on it.

Here are a few of the videos that i took today:



Another Seesaw Ride:

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bike Ride Today...

We went to Pocahontas today and rode the Red, Blue and Double Red trail. We parked at the Quala Road Lot and we ended up riding 8.76 miles total. It was very cold this morning about 30 degrees when we started at 9am but it warmed up nicely and was a very good ride. We all took spills today. No one was hurt. It is just part of the riding experience, no pain, no gain.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Buttermilk Trail Map.

You start at Reedy Creek Park that is off of 42nd about two blocks East down Riverside Drive. The trail goes West along the James River called "Upper Buttermilk” to the "Nickel Bridge (161). You then have to ride over the bridge to the North side of the river. This is called The “North Bank” and you bike East through the cemetery to Tredegar Street. You then go South on the footbridge under the Robert E. Lee Bridge (301/1). That brings you to Belle Isle.

You can ride all over this area with a number of trails that are from beginner to expert. You will encounter many people on B.I depending on what time of year it is. After this, you then go on the "Lower Buttermilk" trail biking west, skirting Riverside Drive and the train tracks along the banks of the James River. After completing this section, you will end back up at Reedy Creek Park where you began. This loop, depending on how much you ride on Belle Isle, will give you about 9.5 miles.

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A Pic or 2 of ME!!

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Another Video of Biking...

This is Jeff and Me doing a little jump on Belle Isle. It is part of the Buttermilk Trail System. We rode it yesterday. You have to ride on a foot bridge that is beneath The Robert E. Lee bridge. The Quality is very good. I am in the red jersey.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mountail Biking Clips

These were taken with my Cam Phone. The quality is not that good and i am going to get some better videos tomorrow. But Watch them anyway!!

Rob doing a stunt.

Rob and Jeff Double Jump.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Mountain Bike Stuff...

My Wife bought me a set of Kenda Nevegal 2.35 inch tires for our Wedding anniversary. I installed them lastnight with Mark's assistance. My old tires were 2.2 inch tires.

She also bought me a XPORT Splistream 4-Bike 2'' hitch rack for my truck. The rack is made by Thule.

I am going to do a ride with Jeff today at Pocahontas Park and them do Buttermilk tomorrow morning with Mark and a few other people. I hope to get in about 15-18 miles over the next 2 days.

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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]

32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...