This is an issue that will and can hurt everyone that uses the internet!! It will hurt everyone, not just people from America, but the whole world!!!
What is your opinion?
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
More Net Neutrality Stuff...
To quote Wikipedia:
Network neutrality (equivalently "net neutrality", "internet neutrality" or "NN") refers to a principle that is applied to residential broadband networks, and potentially to all networks. Precise definitions vary, but a broadband network free of restrictions on the kinds of equipment attached and the modes of communication allowed would be considered neutral by most advocates, provided it met additional tests relating to the degradation of various communication streams by others.[1][2][3]
The principle of Net Neutrality and regulations designed to support the neutrality of the internet have been subject to vociferous debate in various forums. Since the early 2000s, advocates of Net Neutrality rules have warned of the danger that broadband providers will use their power over the "last mile" to block applications they do not favor, and also to discriminate between content providers (i.e. websites, services, protocols), particularly competitors. Neutrality proponents also claim that telecom companies seek to impose the tiered service model more for the purpose of profiting from their control of the pipeline rather than for any demand for their content or services.[4] Others have stated that they believe "net neutrality" to be primarily important as a preservation of current freedoms.[5] As co-inventor of the Internet Protocol Vint Cerf has stated, "The Internet was designed with no gatekeepers over new content or services. A lightweight but enforceable neutrality rule is needed to ensure that the Internet continues to thrive." [6]
Critics, meanwhile, call net neutrality rules "a solution in search of a problem" and believe that net neutrality rules would reduce incentives to upgrade networks and launch next generation network services.[7] Others argue that discrimination of some kinds, particularly to guarantee "Quality of Service," is not problematic, but highly desirable. Bob Kahn, the Internet Protocol's co-inventor, has argued that the term net neutrality is a regulatory slogan, which he opposes: "If the goal is to encourage people to build new capabilities, then the party that takes the lead in building that new capability, is probably only going to have it on their net to start with and it is probably not going to be on anybody else's net.[8]" The US Federal Trade Commission urges restraint in the examination of the new regulations proposed by network neutrality advocates: "Industry-wide regulatory schemes – particularly those imposing general, one-size-fits-all restraints on business conduct – may well have adverse effects on consumer welfare, despite the good intentions of their proponents[9]."
In my opinion, we are way behind the rest of the world in using Broad Band Connections and are stifled by the major companies on price and speed. There are stats to back this up. According to a few articles that i have read, this does not have to be so. Remember back several years ago there was a big push to lay Fiber all across America. We only utilize about 2-4% of that fiber laid or "Dark Fiber" as it is called. Our capacity is far greater than what we presently use. The big 3 have a monopoly on the American Internet user. Comcast, ATT, Road Runner all cap their services for a high premium fee. I know that Verizon FIOS will eventually put a dent into this, but if we do not strive for Net Neutrality, all this will be lost. They will censor what you read and how you use it and for how long.
This is a very good site to use to find out current information about this issue.
What is your opinion?
Friday, June 15, 2007
Blog on the net...

It always seams that I am trying to generate new traffic for my Blog by singing up on new free services. You can see all the badges that I have on the left side of my blog. It is a personal thing that I like to do. I could go the route of Ad-sense from Google, but I do not want to sell out and place advertising on my site. I could also do the pay-per-click but that is not what I am about. I have had over 4300 hits since I started actively promoting my site sometimes last December. Not bad figures if you ask me. The picture is a map of where people all over the world read my blog. I just think that it is neat when someone from India leaves me a comment on my blog. The internet is a wonderful tool that all should be able to enjoy!!
I do not under any circumstances condon censorship in any way, shape, or form!!
The internet should be kept free and clear off any and all censorship because no single country owns the internet. I know that there is a lot of that going on around the world like in China where FlickR is being banned from viewing because some pics got on there of the Tiananmen Square student demonstrations of 1989 and the China government has blocked the site.
This is much like the on going issue here in the USA about Net Neutrality. I for one have signed up to help save the internet and stop censorship of the internet. If you value reading this blog in a different country, you should also want to do so as it might get banned. They could ban the whole service for all we know. That would piss off a bunch of people including me. Lets all just play nice together and enjoy the internet like it is supposed to be used for, free and with no censorship.
What is your opinion?
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