Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The RMStringers.com

Well, our website is back up and running. It is not on dedicated server space like it was before. I went and purchased a FlickR Pro account so I could have unlimited sets and groups as well as no limit of pics. The basic account has just a 200 pic limit and if you are like me, you take a lot of photos.

My domain name has been parked at www.Enom.com for the last few months and I am in a battle with Registerfly as I bought server space for 1 year and then something happened to their company. I have about $20 in credit that I cannot get back from them as well as the 1 year contract for server space. It sucks! And They SUCK!! You cannot get them on the tele or via fax nor email. I xfered my domain to Enom and that is how I decided to get the FlickR Pro account. SO all texts and stuff like that will be on the FlickR page on the picture captions. I will tell about the adventures on the Blog. So if you want to stay up with us, subscribe to the RSS feeds that I offer on my blog.

What is your opinion?

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4 New Tracks!! #Bandcamp

If you want to Purchase any of my music(s), Please go to https://djrenigade.bandcamp.com/