Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Family...

Well today at around 3.30pm my family arrived from Texas. They made the 1200+ mile drive in 2 days, starting out yesterday morning in Jasper Texas and staying last night 70 miles west of Atlanta Georgia. The got up early this morning to finish the drive to our house in Midlothian Virginia. I am really glad to see them as my grandfather and uncle has never seen our house here in Virginia.

I am leaving work tonight at 1.15am so I do not have to sleep all day tomorrow and we will be able to do a few things tomorrow. I hated to have to come to work tonight, but duty calls. I also took off Wednesday night to be able to spend more time with them. I am going to take my Uncle Terry to Washington DC on Tuesday as he has never been there, so that will be fun and will also be some great memories.
What is your opinion?

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