Monday, March 13, 2006

William Shatner - The Transformed Man

I just got a copy of this album…Very interesting! Captain Kirk, doing spoken word to 60’s classics!!! I have always heard of this album, but never been able to listen to it, so I found it..

1. King Henry The Fifth/Elegy For The Brave
2. Theme From Cyrano/Mr. Tambourine Man
3. Hamlet/It Was A Very Good Year
4. Romeo And Juliet/How Insensitive (Insensatez)
5. Spleen/Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
6. The Transformed Man

It is very interesting album, being all spoken word. It will take some time b4 I get through with this album to give a good review of it.
Live long and Prosper… Posted by Picasa

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