Friday, March 04, 2005

ITs been a while....

Bob's Thoughts

Well, it has been a while since I updated the BLOG. a lot of things has happened since I last wrote on here. Christmas happened and I also bought a new truck for myself. I lost a very old friend due to different views., it was not that much of a loss in retrospect. I still work at rentway and I am the account manager for the store. We went home to Texas in February and we had a great time. Chelsea was sick the whole time we were there and now Texas am sick also. I had a gretat talk with Jimmy Freeman who is living back in Jasper. He came out to visit with my fam the last day that we were going to be in Jtown. My family has had a lot of medical problems the last 5-6 months and i pray that they all get better and continue to heal! I hope to hear from everyone i the near future. This is alll for now.

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