Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Bob's Thoughts with Spell Check!!!!

Bob's Thoughts
This will be an update to my Blog...
we are nearly settled in to our house!! It is going to be very nice when it is all sorted out and pictures hung on the wall. I went to our basement and cleaned it up, wired electrical outlets and vacuumed the floors. I wish that you could have seen all the dog hair that i got out of the floor!! It was gobs and gobs of that stuff!!! The previous owners had a very large DOG and were not worried about the hair, i guess. So i went and put carpet fresh and Lysol on the floor and vacuumed some more!! We are going to have a Halloween party for Chelsea and 11 of her friends on October 30 and they will sleep over that night also...WOW 12 little screaming girls that night! The joys of parenthood!! The previous owners did not put ANY electrical outlets in the basement, so i am going to once again have to finish out our basement, but not until next year. I think that it is going to be a Very HARD winter here. We went to Sears and bought a ridding lawnmower, 42'' deck, mulching capabilities with a 18 hp Briggs engine on it. We also bought a Snow Blower.....Woo Hooo...5am clearing the driveway!! Well, that is all for now,
more later!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bob, I am looking forward to coming and staying with my little family. You three and mother and dad are all I have left. I hate you are so far away. To get me on a plane, you have accomplished a lot! I hopefully will se you on 11-13! Get to see my baby!!!!

    Love you too much, Mother


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