Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bob's Thoughts

Bob's Thoughts
3.7.2006 It has been a few months since I posted...
WE are getting settled into our new life in VA, it is like our 4th new life in as many years. I am looking for employment as usual. Sondra is doing her thing in her new position. I purchased William Orbits new album the other day and it is very good. Some friends of ours came down from Massachusetts to visit us the other weekend and now, they want to move to Virginia. That would/will be cool, we love them to death and they are so fun. They are big into My Space off MSN. We are going to go and see Nine Inch Nails on March 14th and then at the end of the month, I am going to go see the ORB in DC!!! So all in all, good month for concerts.

I do not have my website up and running as I have no server space, but I hope to get it back up and running soon...

Well, I gots to go and will chat at cha l8ter...

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