Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact:
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Posting on my BLOG
To quote"Anonymous said...
In today's mainstream society (primarily among the upper-class) we regularly perform painful, long-term, cranial modification for the sake of aesthetics, on children as young as 10 or 12; there's an entire industry built upon it, called orthidontistry. Now granted we say that it's harmless, and for the good of the child, but much of the time is truly unnecessary and causes great pain and suffering; and the child would live a perfectly normal, healthy, comfortable life otherwise (albeit with a culturally perceived "deformity"). This form of body modification is perfectly acceptable, and I ask what truly makes it any different? I cast no moral judgment on either culture, I merely find it an intriguing hypocrisy
1:32 AM -"
WHAT AN ASS!!! He can enjoy his crooked teeth and butwipe, they get taken off after a Few years. Mine did!!
So, step up to the plate!!
Day Shift...
I started the day shift yesterday. I am not a big fan of it. More People, More Engineers, more stuff ingeneral. I have to train on it, so that is why I am here. IT felt like someone had beaten the shit out of me yesterday after lunch. I was soooo tired and ran down as I did not sleep much the night before(Sunday night). I get up around 4.50 or 5.00 am to get my day started. I am still on the same shift schedule, but just on days, not nights. I just work better on the night shift. I have to be out of the FAB by 9.00am to start my "Training"...
We will see what it is like, and I am also trying to secure my other interview this week before we go to Texas next week for Christmas! I cant wait to go. IT will be hard for me to post next week as I have no reliable interconnection where I am going. SO I will have to find enough stuff to keep the masses happy this week so we can coast through the next. :-)
I welcome Comments to my BLOG.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Durham NC...
Well, I lift from work @ 7.15 am on Friday to drive to
System breaks down just when I thought that I had it made a message to you how ideal Nothing stays the same
Hunt out misguided angels search in vain amongst the ruins a message do you know how I feel Nothing stays the same stays the same
Search in vain silent dreams starting again wake up out of sleep far from far from your crowds shattered halls covered in squander
A message to you how ideal nothing stays the same the same the same a message do you know how I feel Nothing stays the same Nothing Stays - Cyberaktif
You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif
Thursday, December 14, 2006
iPods In Space...
As many of you know, I am not a BIG fan of the IPOD or any Apple products. This is really funny to me that it made news. I had 2 of them and they were both trash. I looked for online support and finally bought a Creative Zen Touch and I have had no problems with it.
It seams that even NASA is not immune to the IPOD craze… The people I have an IPOD velcored to a part of the shuttle. At least NASA did not have to inspect it for re-entry to the earth’s atmosphere. The caption said on “What device was just spotted on this shuttle mission that has 400 times the CPU power and 80 times the memory of the avionics computers and can even survive a year date rollover?” A freaking IPOD!! WOW, I wonder if Apple got and endorsement for this one?? Perhaps we will get a revamp of the shuttles systems that only accepts firewire…no pun intended!! That is just SAD folks, a music player with more computing power than the shuttle?? I wonder if the astronauts would feel better flying an IPOD? “Now New and Improved IPOD shuttle by Apple and NASA. A joint operation that benefits all of mankind!!!
Here is the URL: IPOD “Editor's update: If you look at the left hand side of this image taken on Monday, 11 December, you will see an iPod and a Belkin external battery pack velcored to a panel next to the Discovery's toilet located in the Shuttle's middeck. The iPod is connected to a set of external speakers. It can also be seen in this image.” Well at least they did not use Duct Tape to put it on and being an Apple product, they knew where to place it…Near the crapper.
There is Even the have one on the Space station!! Apple must have paid lots for all this advertising!! I can see it now, International Space Station powered by IPOD!!!
I welcome Comments to my BLOG.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Body Art, Modification...
We all know that the culture of today revolves around getting body modifications to an EXTREME nature to one up your buddy, BUT this is just STUPID to the Nth degree!!! That girl should have her ass beat by EVERYONE that walks by her!!! If I saw her, I would kick her ever-loving ass for doing something SOOOO STUPID as to disfigure her back like that. I have a Tattoo, and I have had it for over 12 years, this pic is just too much for the revolution of 20 somethings to be their own culture. I am Gen X, they are Gen F**K UPX!! Could you believe the pain that she must have endured to have this operation done?? HAVE WE AS A WHOLE LOST our Freaking MINDS or what little we have left??? DO they shun humanity SOOOO much that they need to be an animal or something else??? I for one am glad that I am a human and not some freak like them. I can go to the mall or to church and not be a freakshow on display all the time. DO they have no self worth as a human or person?? I guess not!! And for all of you Body Mod peoples, they even have a .ORG for yall! I tell you what, it would have to be a COLD DAY IN HELL for me to EVER!!! EVER!!!! do any Scarification to myself!!!!!!!
Well enough from me on this issue!! "AND CUT"
I welcome Comments to my BLOG.
Invader Zim...
Well Kiddies, Invader Zim is finally out on DVD!! Not just one DVD, but a # DVD set with all of the episodes and "lost" stuff from the show. I purchased it at Wal Mart last week for $18!!! Crazy!! I cant wait to be able to watch some of them. Several years ago, a friend gave them to me from ones that he a downloaded off the net. They were good quality, but not DVD quality. Just an Update...
I go to Durham on Friday morning to spend the weekend with my brother!! I cant wait! It will be nice to get out of the house. I also go to day shift on Monday, I am not too excited about this, but I have to for a bit.
Zim and Ger!!!
I welcome Comments to my BLOG.
Monday, December 11, 2006
School Bus Drivers and Safety...
How come is it that the god ole
All you hear about are school bus accidents and children getting hurt. Will seatbelts help this? Perhaps. Only time will tell.
Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood
over questions of reality and illusion.
I know this: if life is an illusion, then I
am no less an illusion, and being thus, the
illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I
love, I slay, and I am content.
(Robert E. Howard, Queen of the Black Coast, Weird Tales, May 1934)
Ambient Massive - There Is Grace In Their Feelings
. Instruments used were: Kurzweil 2000vx Microfreak' Maschine 2 Wavestate Deepmind 12 Virus Ti2 Monotron and various VSTi synths. Releas...
DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!