Sunday, December 17, 2006

Durham NC...

Well, I lift from work @ 7.15 am on Friday to drive to Durham to visit my Brother for the weekend. I got to his house around 10.30 am and we proceeded to go and eat and talk about lots of things. He drove me around the Duke campus and I was Totally BLOWN away!!! It looked like a campus from an Ivy League school instead of a southern university. I was very tired, but I did not fall asleep until 8.30 pm and I had been up since Thursday @ 3.30pm…What a stretch!! So I woke up the next morning at 7.20 am and we proceeded with our day!!! Cliff my brother is in Duke Divinity School to become a Methodist Preacher!! He is very wise and a very brilliant young man at 26 years old. I do so enjoy debating with him on cretin subjects!! We took a walking tour of Duke and IT was amazing. The main Cathedral was built in 1932 and it is in the old English Gothic style of Notre Dame!! I was so sad that I forgot my camera, but next time, I will have it and have pics of the stained glass!! There is over 1 million pieces of class in the cathedral. The campus is really interesting and I would have loved to have had the opportunity to have gone to Duke. After we walked around the main campus, we took a walk through Duke Gardens. We went home after the walk and got some food. At around 12.30pm, Cliff and I went on a bike ride for over 2 hours! WE got kicked off a gold course as we did not know that it was a private one!!! A munchkin as it was, was the greens keeper and this PAT came and asked us to leave the course with our bikes, we complied, and found another way around to get where we wanted to go. We then came home and watched movies and stuff like, just chilled out!! We got up this morning and we went to the church where Chill is a member and an assistant preacher. It was a very interesting service as it was multi lingual, Spanish ad English. IT was a good service and sermon, Cliff was the Liturgist and lead some prayers and stuff like that. After the service, we had a “Pot Luck” lunch in the fellowship hall. I left Durham having had a good weekend and a needed break from Midlothian and my job. I will have 3 pics to post with my camera phone, but I will do them l8ter.



System breaks down just when I thought that I had it made a message to you how ideal Nothing stays the same

Hunt out misguided angels search in vain amongst the ruins a message do you know how I feel Nothing stays the same stays the same

Search in vain silent dreams starting again wake up out of sleep far from far from your crowds shattered halls covered in squander

A message to you how ideal nothing stays the same the same the same a message do you know how I feel Nothing stays the same Nothing Stays - Cyberaktif

You have no conscience and it seems you never will - Cyberaktif

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