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From RMStringer
Most of my music[s] are of the cinematic nature. If you need something, please contact me so we can partner on a project. I have many varied musical influences that include The KLF, Pink Floyd, Skinny Puppy, and Front 242, as well as Classic Rock. I mix music as much for self-expression and keeping my mind sharp because it’s simply etched into My soul. Much Love!! Contact: DjRenigade@proton.me
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Help, My House Is To COLD!!! BURRRR
What are we? Are we a bunch of robots? Help me please i don't know if it is to cold for my children in here. Can we not control the temperature in our own home? I DAMM SURE DON'T NEED SOMEONE TELLING ME WHAT TEMP TO SET MY thermostat to! What will be next? Will the State of California install a arm to wipe our asses in the bathroom? Those liberal no good dumbasses in California need to grow a brain and stop being such a bunch of little girls. We don't not need the state or country to regulate the thermostats in our homes. The Governator is sounding more like a NAZI(Kennedy) every day!
We are heading straight to the "Big Brother" country like in Fahrenheit 451. Grow a single cell and adjust your own damm temp in YOUR HOUSE!! Get a life!! I can tell if my home is too cold or hot; YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO AS WELL!! If the state of California was not so damm tight on its EPA regulations you could have had more power/light generation facilities 20 years ago. You would not be in the state that you are in now with not enough power to go around. Plan ahead! Many states have upgraded their power grid and do not suffer the same fate of your "Rolling Black-Outs"
Grow Up, Act and Think For yourself. Be Adults and regulate your on damm air conditioners. The other 49 stated do it! We do not need any more governmental regulation in the USA.
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We are heading straight to the "Big Brother" country like in Fahrenheit 451. Grow a single cell and adjust your own damm temp in YOUR HOUSE!! Get a life!! I can tell if my home is too cold or hot; YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO AS WELL!! If the state of California was not so damm tight on its EPA regulations you could have had more power/light generation facilities 20 years ago. You would not be in the state that you are in now with not enough power to go around. Plan ahead! Many states have upgraded their power grid and do not suffer the same fate of your "Rolling Black-Outs"
Grow Up, Act and Think For yourself. Be Adults and regulate your on damm air conditioners. The other 49 stated do it! We do not need any more governmental regulation in the USA.
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TollBooth Users...
I was on my way to work this morning and was driving my usually way, down the toll road (Powhite 76), and i was coming to the first set of tolls. I was slowing down and i picked my booth to pay at. There are two on the northbound lanes. I picked the left one. I was about a car-length from the cement walls when out a NOWHERE cam this Jeep Cherokee and cut in front of me. IF i had been any closer; the lady and i use that term very loosely, she would have hit me! What was even more funny was the fact that she had to pay just like me and when she came out the other side, she was only two cars ahead of me. What an asshole! We all have some where to be in the morning and there are two pay lanes, two EasyTagg lanes, and two coin lanes, more than enough to accommodate all of the traffic. It only takes a turd to make the punch go bad!
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Thought for today...
In spite of the fact that love is essentially based upon the sensuous, it is ennobled by reason of the consciousness of eternity which it embodies: for what distinguishes all love from lust is the fact that it bears an impress of eternity. Either-Or Vol II Soren Kierkengaard Posted via my LGVX8600 phone.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Deal Or No Deal...Dumbass!
As you, like me and 50 million other Americans are gathered around their Television Sets to watch NBC's Deal Or No Deal. One has to wonder...
We have watched the show since it came to NBC. With Howie Mandel as the host of the show and lots of pretty women to handle the cases it is fun. The participants always give a good show, some more than other with their theatrics and weirdness coupled along with Mandel's seriousness and his germ-a-phobia makes for good TV.
One central theme that i witness on this show is GREED! I like to gamble on the occasion and it is fun taken in context of what it is, a passing fancy. People come to this show and try to strike it rich be playing the odds and betting that the case they pick holds the 1million dollars. They are playing against the odds and they are not in their favor. I have never witnessed a person win the big prize, NEVER. Also when they get greedy by not taking the bankers best and final offer when they have exhausted all of the big prizes and they deiced to go for it, they loose! I saw it tonight. A girl was offered $283,000 and did not take it. She cleared all of the $1,000,000 prizes and was left with $100,000 as the top prize. she left with $55,000, a far cry away from 283. With taxes in California, she would be lucky to get about $20,000.
She took a chance and crapped out like most of the people do. Some get smart and take the Deal with a less substantial offer than the 1,000,000 and have something. They come with lofty goals and bet for the big bucks only to leave with little or no money. DO they not realize that taking the lesser offer, they still come out ahead? Remember it takes money to get there...
They should have made a deal and not taken the "No Deal".
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We have watched the show since it came to NBC. With Howie Mandel as the host of the show and lots of pretty women to handle the cases it is fun. The participants always give a good show, some more than other with their theatrics and weirdness coupled along with Mandel's seriousness and his germ-a-phobia makes for good TV.
One central theme that i witness on this show is GREED! I like to gamble on the occasion and it is fun taken in context of what it is, a passing fancy. People come to this show and try to strike it rich be playing the odds and betting that the case they pick holds the 1million dollars. They are playing against the odds and they are not in their favor. I have never witnessed a person win the big prize, NEVER. Also when they get greedy by not taking the bankers best and final offer when they have exhausted all of the big prizes and they deiced to go for it, they loose! I saw it tonight. A girl was offered $283,000 and did not take it. She cleared all of the $1,000,000 prizes and was left with $100,000 as the top prize. she left with $55,000, a far cry away from 283. With taxes in California, she would be lucky to get about $20,000.
She took a chance and crapped out like most of the people do. Some get smart and take the Deal with a less substantial offer than the 1,000,000 and have something. They come with lofty goals and bet for the big bucks only to leave with little or no money. DO they not realize that taking the lesser offer, they still come out ahead? Remember it takes money to get there...
They should have made a deal and not taken the "No Deal".
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Thought for today...
People hardly ever make use of the freedom which they have, for example, freedom of thought-instead they demand freedom of speech as a compensation:1838 Soren Kierkengaard Posted via my LGVX8600 phone.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Bike Stuff...
As i told everyone a while ago, my wife, Sondra, bought me a set of Kenda Tires for my Mountain Bike. I had a set of 2.2inch tires on the bike and the back tire was worn smooth. I went to a set of Kenda 2.35s Much bigger! I feel that they are more stable when i go over obstacles on the trails and they are about as big of a tire as i can go on my bike. The back tire started to rub on part of the frame when i would put a lot of pressure when ridding and the back tire was a little out of true. By true i mean that the rim was not round anymore due to being bent from jumping stuff. I went to Performance Bike yesterday evening and they were able to true the rim of the bike so it is not rubbing anymore. I would have hated for the bakc tire to get destroyed from the rubbing. The Kenda Nevegal tires are great to ride on and they corner very well in my opinion but dont take my word for it, go and get a set for yourself!
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Ambient Massive - Edge Of Live [Promo]
32 min exploration of deep space using Ableton Live 12 located in RenigadeCineTrax, Beaumont Texas. Recorded live on Twitch during the #Ambi...

DSC00210 , originally uploaded by RMStringer . Phillip Glyn and Ridding High at Solley's Disco Saturday night 1-2-2010. Taken with the S...
I will be starting with Wachovia on Thursday. I will be working from 9 - 6 for the first several weeks...YAHOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!