Monday, January 14, 2008

Deal Or No Deal...Dumbass!

As you, like me and 50 million other Americans are gathered around their Television Sets to watch NBC's Deal Or No Deal. One has to wonder...

We have watched the show since it came to NBC. With Howie Mandel as the host of the show and lots of pretty women to handle the cases it is fun. The participants always give a good show, some more than other with their theatrics and weirdness coupled along with Mandel's seriousness and his germ-a-phobia makes for good TV.

One central theme that i witness on this show is GREED! I like to gamble on the occasion and it is fun taken in context of what it is, a passing fancy. People come to this show and try to strike it rich be playing the odds and betting that the case they pick holds the 1million dollars. They are playing against the odds and they are not in their favor. I have never witnessed a person win the big prize, NEVER. Also when they get greedy by not taking the bankers best and final offer when they have exhausted all of the big prizes and they deiced to go for it, they loose! I saw it tonight. A girl was offered $283,000 and did not take it. She cleared all of the $1,000,000 prizes and was left with $100,000 as the top prize. she left with $55,000, a far cry away from 283. With taxes in California, she would be lucky to get about $20,000.

She took a chance and crapped out like most of the people do. Some get smart and take the Deal with a less substantial offer than the 1,000,000 and have something. They come with lofty goals and bet for the big bucks only to leave with little or no money. DO they not realize that taking the lesser offer, they still come out ahead? Remember it takes money to get there...

They should have made a deal and not taken the "No Deal".

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