As many of you know, I am not a BIG fan of the IPOD or any Apple products. This is really funny to me that it made news. I had 2 of them and they were both trash. I looked for online support and finally bought a Creative Zen Touch and I have had no problems with it.
It seams that even NASA is not immune to the IPOD craze… The people I have an IPOD velcored to a part of the shuttle. At least NASA did not have to inspect it for re-entry to the earth’s atmosphere. The caption said on www.Fark.com “What device was just spotted on this shuttle mission that has 400 times the CPU power and 80 times the memory of the avionics computers and can even survive a year date rollover?” A freaking IPOD!! WOW, I wonder if Apple got and endorsement for this one?? Perhaps we will get a revamp of the shuttles systems that only accepts firewire…no pun intended!! That is just SAD folks, a music player with more computing power than the shuttle?? I wonder if the astronauts would feel better flying an IPOD? “Now New and Improved IPOD shuttle by Apple and NASA. A joint operation that benefits all of mankind!!!
Here is the URL: IPOD “Editor's update: If you look at the left hand side of this image taken on Monday, 11 December, you will see an iPod and a Belkin external battery pack velcored to a panel next to the Discovery's toilet located in the Shuttle's middeck. The iPod is connected to a set of external speakers. It can also be seen in this image.” Well at least they did not use Duct Tape to put it on and being an Apple product, they knew where to place it…Near the crapper.
There is Even the have one on the Space station!! Apple must have paid lots for all this advertising!! I can see it now, International Space Station powered by IPOD!!!

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